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#FailArmy #Fails
No. One. Was. Harmed.
6:45 lmaooo
The massive re-use of video’s and the last clip makes me wanne unsub. FA you gotta step up your game..
Little girl with the heavy backpack was adorable and determined! 😍
If you are in any doubt that this channel and "fail" genre in general is completely out of ideas…..just watch the last clip 😍
never thought porta-potty modelling would take off 🔥
If you are in any doubt that this channel and "fail" genre in general is completely out of ideas…..just watch the last clip 🔥🔥
9:00.. women drivers… amma right?
Fat People Parade for the most part.
Little girl with the heavy backpack was adorable and determined! 💙
never thought porta-potty modelling would take off 💙
The dog realizing the tree branch is about to fall and runs away, impressive ❤
are we putting in cringy skits in now? Please God, no. C'mon, guys. Donnnnn't doooooo iiiiiiit. ❤
Exciting 😱
The dog realizing the tree branch is about to fall and runs away, impressive 😍
3:12 never thought porta-potty modelling would take off 😍
12:55 😢
12:26 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤙🏻
6:39 leave her dude
Little girl with the heavy backpack was adorable and determined! 😘
never thought porta-potty modelling would take off 😘
1:52 Did you really have to moan like that bro???
What's so gross about it?
I've been laughing for a week over 2:13!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!
are we putting in cringy skits in now? Please God, no. C'mon, guys. Donnnnn't doooooo iiiiiiit. 😍😍😍
Little girl with the heavy backpack was adorable and determined! 😍
haha, the pedal panic at 1:08
Why do people put clothes on a dog? It's just wrong.
And two he prob blurs out some of the stuff bc it personal stuff he prob does it bc the people who send him the videos asked
Not people falling with flip flops 😂
For god sake lose weight…
1:51 Got me laughing
The last one was so bad that im commenting on this channel for the first time
3:12 was just fun – I've hurled myself into bodies of water a thousand times, it's a blast – What is the fail in this? Did I miss a lurking Great White, or … ? Elsewise, he's having a great day, says I
10:53 – I think that guy is really silly.
fat people falling over is funny
Anybody else get bored of the mountain bike ones? It's the same thing in every clip.
1:52 is a real highlight for me.
The last clip was a complete waste of time. Please end the video a little short rather than encouraging this utter stupidity.
To the commenters below bitching about the last clip. People like that do exist and ive seen them firsthand.
How is the last one weird?
I watched and laughed a lot
Mr johnny B gone
the biggest fail is, you let here the the last clip…