The dam has finally burst, and President Joe Biden has at last announced that he will not seek the Democratic nomination for the 2024 election. Whether it was his decision or the Democratic Party’s is, quite frankly, irrelevant. All that matters now is who will replace him? Will there be a real choice, or will the Democratic machine inexorably spit out Vice President Kamala Harris as the only option? The question is especially vital given that Donald Trump is currently riding high, seeming to have unified the Republican Party around him.
Piers Morgan brings together journalist Emily Austin, Vincent Oshana from the ‘Patrick Bet-David Podcast’, host and co-founder of ‘The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur, host of ‘Farron Balanced’ and co-host of ‘Ring of Fire’ Farron Cousins, founder of Blackwater and ex-Navy SEAL Erik Prince and independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr for their takes on whether Biden’s departure was a smart move to begin with, and who should or could pick up the gauntlet.
00:00 – Introduction
06:09 – Emily Austin on Biden’s ‘cognitive decline’ and ‘gaslighting voters’
07:26 – Cenk Uygur “not happy at all” over Kamala Harris
10:41 – Vinny Oshana on conspiracy theories surrounding Trump’s shooting
13:26 – “Kamala slept her way to the top”
16:16 – Farron Cousins on the failures of the Secret Service
21:21 – “It doesn’t matter who replaces Biden, Trump will dominate”
24:37 – Cenk Uygur: “Trump is the weakest candidate possible”
32:45 – Eric Prince on the failures of the Secret Service
43:37 – Kamala Harris “acting presidential” at the White House
52:15- Donald Trump ‘the Mick Jagger of politics’
57:44 – RFK Jr joins to discuss Joe Biden’s resignation and Kamala Harris
01:08:07- RFK Jr on finally receiving Secret Service protection
01:16:05 – RFK Jr on who would win between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump
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#biden #piersmorgan #trump #kamalaharris #interview #debate
Who should be the new Democratic nominee?
Angry Patriot. Period!!!
IT MATTERS! Our elections must be Constitutionally sound which Harris is not eligible.
I bet you a 100 dollars Piers will not leave broadcasting when his brain starts declining from old age
Uygur has no idea what he's say … never does!
I can only see.. if a woman is to be president, id suggest Rita panahi( if i got her name right) watch all of the LEFTIES LOOSING IT .., but foe now GO TRUMP!!
Kamala played an old man going through dementia with her past and or present nature .. shes just a pro…..,, having another woman TWERK in her favor!!??🤔🧐🤨 . Check on how she came in office in the first place.
It doesn't matter who the Democrats put up, Trump will win no matter what
RFK Has the most presidential decorum and presence ….he speaks to issues and totally rises above personal negatives. He also has greatest intellect, knowledge
of domestic and foreign policy, diplomacy and discourse. He brings a great
vetted 40 years of successful public service .. He is Serious about the Presidency , entirely committed to re- establishing stability to our country and
improving the lives of Americans. He would bring respect and dignity back to
the Presidency and our country here at home and across the global world, we really need that we are in total disarray as the rest of the world is laughing at
our country
I am an Independent voter . I left the Dem Party in 2020 and went Independent
If RFK was not running I would vote Trump before I would Ever for a coronated
sketchy ‘ nominee’ Who Has Had Not One Vote . I have no trust what so ever
in Kamala Harris ….her flip floppy politically and personally and proven
ineptness and lack of any political or policy accomplishments is glaring and poses nothing but vulnerability and danger to our country
Failures from democrats CIA , FBI . Biden Kamala
Failures from democrats CIA , FBI . Biden Kamala
Cenk said alot of great options. Then can't say any.
The pity little girl. Needs too go too too cinder garden.
The little what. 😊.
What exactly are Joe Biden’s accomplishments?!!! Name one. Other than destroying the economy, destroying our energy independence, starting nuclear WWIII?
The secret service was told not to fire until the assailant took the first shot.
People have experienced the results of the last four years of this administration which has been disastrous for all Americans of every race and they love Trump. America First.
So now if you’re for Trump whatever you say they dismiss without any discussion or reasoner. Ask us why we’re for Trump, then counter our arguments. 😊
…and they told the secret service to wait until the assailant took the first shot. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. That shot was intentional by the globalist, Democratic deep state. The heads of the FBI, SEcret Service, DOJ are owned by NWO globalists.
All these liberals see themselves as “psychics” predicting the future as to what Trump would and would not do. They’re delusional and dishonest.
Pierce according to the democrats anyone can vote in America and you will weather you no it or not
Piers Morgan show always brings on that bimbo for appearance purposes. It’s embarrassing
They’ve known for FOUR YEARS that they needed to find a viable, qualified candidate, and they didn’t. That tells me that there isn’t one.
This is why republicans cant speak when blocked.
My message was blocked again lol.
Liars liars liars
Omg u people are nuts
Wo sind meine 2 Kays
Chk clearly out of your mind , Trump 2024
Hired a bunch of women that have no clue what they are doing and put them with Trump and Jill Biden has a full crew of men protecting her! That's pathetic!
This guy don't know what he's talking about! Trump wouldn't even run if he was like Biden!
1 second ago
I love it when the Demorats go ape$hit when they can't get their way. It's over come November we'll have Trump again. I love it when Chunk Yogurt loses it. He's a big loser
Jokes are always a jerk
Every time they bring up hes against democracy the democracy is their agenda democratic democracy
the only danger to our republic is the democratic party their against the constitution and what it stands for
We're not a democracy We're a constitutional republic