Chris Wray testimony LIVE: FBI director speaks about Trump assassination attempt before Congress

Chris Wray testimony LIVE: FBI director speaks about Trump assassination attempt before Congress
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FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies before the House Judiciary Committee on the FBI’s investigation into the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. Read more:

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About the Author: Associated Press


  1. I want anyone who spends their time virtue signaling for their party for any of these hearings out of there. You had the opportunity to ask questions and interrogate and instead you use it as an ad for those in your camp. Not what this is for.


  3. Don't understand how is these high ranking agents don't know or is still waiting on an investigation this investigation should of happened way before insitent.these agents need to be fired and even jailed..

  4. My question is which should have been brought up at this meeting as well as the one with Ms I don't answer questions is. Why did biden drop out of the race within days after the attempt on trump? Did he do this to avoid the question of whether or not he was involved? Or if his organization of employees involved?

  5. People from Wray's office were visiting Crooks BEFORE the assassination attempt according to cellphone advertising data collected by the Oversight Project

  6. You can take away all the guns and people will use cars or planes or knives or hammers or rocks. The weapons are not the issue. We have a mental health crisis in this country and the more we try to put bandages on the problem the more we just obfuscate the real issues. Many politicians use intense and charged speech, they are seeing some of the consequences for doing this to a group of citizens that are confused and terrified. Politicians are ment to be leaders, to show people how to behave, how to have decorum and at minimum respect for fellow human beings no matter how much we disagree. Our country is in crisis and these politicians and media providers are making things worse, and have clearly lost the plot. This is why Americans have lost faith in goverment, and the people who are supposed to be in charge.

  7. If Donald Trump gives a victim impact statement to the FBI he needs to have his lawyer present he don't answer any questions that don't pertain to this subject because whatever he says they will use against him they can get it before they'll do it again The FBI cannot be trusted when it comes to Donald Trump that is a fact we seen has clearance day the past several years That's not me saying it that is a fact

  8. I think its funny how they use these hearing to attack the 2nd amendment, and not to get to the bottom of the actual investigation, its just shameful

  9. Well Wray, if you say you don't have enough money to protect the American people but you insisted you need a new million dollar new dbi building, I'd say your priorities are messed up

  10. Almost like it was planned to have these clowns loose their laser focus on the issue as soon as this guy walks in the room. lol this is so Soviet.

  11. Who was that clown 🤡 before trump got inside of the White House? And I would bet you that you didn’t ask trump what did he did with those top secret documents and files.

  12. Why do not, any of the directors of the F.B.I., Home Land Security, Secret Service, know what happened at the assassination attempt of President Trump. One of the most important investigations is their life, and knowingly they are going to congress to answer questions on the assassination attempt of President Trump. When they say a time line is not important. Why do almost Ll investigators make a timeline to determine what happened when? Are all these directors just paper pushers and have not done any time in the Field?
    Director Wray said they work very hard at getting information to congress? And they work even hard to try and answer congress's questions, without answering congress's questions!!!!!

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