The worlds cutest puppy lip syncs to movie clips from Star Wars Darth Vader.
The Movie was made using CrazyTalk4’s puppy picture, combined with wav files of Darth Vader’s voice from the original Star Wars movie.
I know the Lip sync is off a little , just wanted to get the video up for opinions
Thats scary lol
u dont know the power of the,oooh a treat nomnom
i think my IQ just dropped watching this.
Is Darth Vader having an asythma attack or something?
Anyone who has a Dell Webcam could have done this….wow. thumbs down lol.
This was a waste of my life. The lips dont even match the voice.
lol though it is really fake:-):-(
I think i just sh!t myself, I was laughing so hard
lol true.
That puppy kinda looks like mine, except for the 'lip syncing'
that was cute, and scary!
Great idea! I wish I had thought of that!
oh! did that puppy win Cutest Puppy?