Trump Shooting Analysis: Shell Casings, Ladders, Drones, Bodycams,

Trump Shooting Analysis: Shell Casings, Ladders, Drones, Bodycams,
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In this in-depth Donald Trump shooting analysis, Jeff Ostroff walks you through some of the most common questions concerning the facts of the shooting, along with questions answered to Congress by FBI director Chris Wray covering shell casings, ladders, where the shooter flew his drone, and a detailed analysis of more police bodycam video minutes after the shooting. The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Butler, PA on Jan 2024 at 6:11 PM.

WATCH: “I Went to the Location of the Assassination Attempt” from Pastor Matthew Everhard

WATCH: “Aerial Investigation: Drone Footage of Trump Assassination Attempt Site in Butler” (awesome drone right over barns where Secret Service CS snipers were located.


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About the Author: jeffostroff


  1. 7:35 Where was the teleprompter in this image?
    14:15 That's exactly what Wray said, referring to "mechanical equipment and vertical piping" at 10:45. But how did the cop who confronted him get up? Why has no-one (apparently) asked him?
    18:28 Oh, Good God. A whole bunch of lawmakers playing investigators are going to spout God knows what wacko theories based on their "evidence". Just what we need.

  2. When you are shot in the head by a high powered rifle, you are done doing intentional things. It’s too late to toss the rifle 6 to 10 feet away It’s too late to drop the rifle and roll to the side. You’re done doing intentional things.

    I’m not interjecting additional conspiracy theories. I’m saying the narrative that he was shot in the forehead while looking through his scope is baloney. In all likelihood, the local cops shot caused him to get away from the rifle or get the rifle away from him.

    At that point, he was domed by the SS counter-sniper. He may have decided to flee or surrender, but he wasn’t still shooting. When that bullet struck home, his switch got turned off. He was done … right where he was.

  3. How does a 5’ ladder just disappear?!?! Why would you pull the swat team “sni*ers” to go look for this kid when there are so many cops there already?!?! Why would they let him go out to speak knowing there was a suspicious person for so long? Why would they not have pulled him off stage when you know 2 minutes in advance of him being on the roof?! I am not a conspiracy theorist 😂 I am just saying that a lot of this doesn’t make sense! I must have missed it but who said that the roof of the building was so dangerous or steep and why? Alex Jones went coo coo quickly!

  4. It’s completely unbelievable you have the former president’s of the USA coming to do a rally. EVEN 2hours and say 13 min before shooting nobody’s in their assigned spot? Why ? What were they doing ? Why weren’t the in their spots looking over everything. They had more than enough time to stop this. Someone takes a pic of him on a picnic bench and not one Leo knowing it’s sus goes to him to see what he’s doing in that area to begin with. The rally wasn’t over there so he had no business there. Blackrock connected to soros, connected to Rothschild family, and others and 3 overseas bank accounts still boggles my mind. The tracking of the shooter going by that FBI office once a week or somewhere by it, makes no sense to me. There’s things hidden and we deserve to know all of it.

  5. They needed a ladder ? LMFAO That small building to the right of the ladder is accessible by hoisting a man up there, Pretty shady lazy work if you ask me.. ! Embarrassing for them I am sure!

  6. That body cam footage been edited your using. The original body cam when the first get up there they count 5 shells. They stand around talking for awhile. Thr body cam footage is cut for minutes then it comes back to where you showed it them counting 8 now

  7. YOU KNOW THE COPS DIDN'T PUT THE REAL LADDER UP LATER 1. Why would the cops hide a ladder behind the trees? 2. Video by @realDJStew724 shows cops posted to building were on roof within minutes of shooting. They were all looking at building and waited until after the shots to try to go roof. They all gathered in the front 9:25 At least 10 cops putting a pallet on a shed to climb when cop walks behind those 2 trees. He peeks out and signals the cops at pallet. Even though they just set up the pallet and could climb to roof, They all run to him and disappear through those trees. A minute a
    later, we see a group of "cops" arriving from the stage and just miss the cops go behind the trees This is the group that threw the black collapsible ladder over the fence. We know that black collapsible ladder ends up next to the shed/pallet. So, if that first group of cops didnt climb a ladder behind the trees, then they would have come out when the second group comes with a ladder. 20

  8. 5' ladder to get on a 10' roof? Come on now. How many times did the boy get on a roof before. A lot of people don't like roofs. Had to be burning hot roof on that day

  9. Why was the shooter's head facing down toward the ground instead of facing up toward the peak of the slanted roof ??? Was he shot in the back of his head while attempting to exit the roof ??? Awaiting the autopsy report?

  10. FBI director Christopher Wray chose to evade the direct question as to whether Crooks took all eight shots, answering that they found 8 cartridhes. Wray also was evasive about the tall ladder, in the alcove behind the tree, which appears to have given the assassin direct access to the roof and instead misdirects to say that, their belief is that the assassin did not use the ladder.

    There is zero assertion, and certainly no evidence, that the tall ladder was not placed up against the AGR building, in the alcove behind the tree, prior to the assassination.

    Q. What is the purpose of having a sniper in a concealed position?

    A. So as to stay hidden so that nobody can see where the shots came from.

    There is zero deterrent for having ESU snipers in a concealed position and zero reason for them being concealed, unless it was to hide that they were taking the shots.

    The assassin's bullet, line of sight and trajectory may be classic misdirection based on what people would logically agree with. However, it is also equally plausible that the shots fired came from the ESU concealed sniper teams; 1st shot to hit the hydraulic hose, to fit with the line of sight gambut, the second shot to take out president Trump and that the other casualties may be from ricochets and or hits from the remaining shots.

    Who had the motive, the personnel, and the opportunity to carry off an assassination of President Trump and then control of the main stream indoctrination media, the FBI and the Secret Service to run cover in the aftermath?

    To further exemplify the inequity, there are two positions which would have provided overwatch superiority, the water tower to NNE of the podium, where a smiper and spotter could have been positioned and the two communication towers to the West of the podium which could have had a 360 degree 8K digital camera array fitted to them to pin-point any suspicious people, so that Secret Service or law enforcement could be vectored-in to intercept them and question/ detain them.

  11. That you know are not true? Nobody knows this early on what's not true . The con theorists are just fine. There independent ly interested and anvestigating. . Working thru the woods. We all know in part and prophesy in part , it is written. Including you. And as for the con and gov and lying scribes ….

  12. man—with all of the "false flag" talk from Wray about "collapsible" stocks, I could venture to think this was a false flag used to target such….Were they intending to kill Trumps AND use it to justify banning collapsible stocks?

  13. Collapsible stock wouldn't take much off of that rifle. It would've definitely been seen regardless of whether it was collapsed or not. None of this explains how they seen him with a rangefinder and didnt approach him.

  14. Can someone explain why they keep referring to the receipt for the ladder that Crooks had (was supposedly in his pocket) was bloody? How did it get bloody if he was shot in the head? The fact that they keep saying the receipt was bloody with no explanation how it got bloody?🤔

  15. If you look at the "air conditioner side" (12:20)… there's a door in the connector between the two warehouse structures. Hard to tell from the drone footage but if it had a handle and the roof had a rail or gutter, it would be easy to toss a backpack (with broken-down rifle) up on the roof, put foot on door handle, lift, grab rail or gutter, pull yourself up. I've made it on roofs myself in my 20's. I think this is the most plausible way to get up there without a ladder based on the evidence/surveillance footage presented.

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