Holiday-goes run for their lives as a group of men wield machetes on the streets of popular tourist hotspot Southend
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When your leaders betray you.
Any chance of the media releasing their names or are they also from Wales 🙂
These are the ones Kier Starmer wants to protect from all us so called Far Right British people. He's got a screw loose
BBC News website:
Seven teenagers have been charged after violent disorder erupted on a city seafront.
The teens, aged between 14 and 18, are charged with offences including attempted murder, violent disorder, wounding with intent and possession of an offensive weapon, all relating to violence in Southend-on-Sea on Tuesday.
Police seized several weapons on Tuesday, including a firearm, officers said.
Officers have been granted extra stop and search powers after receiving intelligence about an "unauthorised event which may lead to disorder" on Saturday.
I assume The Sun news website has the same story.
Policemen running scared, weaponless, no detterent element. Mice rulling the house, when there are no cats
Those are white boys fighting with machetes?
Starmer quiet on this one..
Gang culture from black music it was band in the 90s kids couldn’t listen to this brain washing crap rap
All the police can do is stand there .do nothing oh and film people
Diversity at it's finest
Can't believe lefties still trying to justify this crap.
The ability of British people to lie to themselves and pretend everything is alright is astonishing😂.
They seem to believe that since they are not the target of that violence they'll never be, these thugs are determining their pecking order and regardless of who ends on top regular folks will be below them.
To the restaurant owner, what happens when they move from drug selling to extortion and those machetes are in your local because you didn't pay in time?
It seems like the UK has a very bright future.
And guess what colour they are.
Just some high spirited lads. Nothing to see here.
The gutless police doing nothing to stop this,last night the police were busy beating up British people while hand cuffed.
What in the third world is going on here? 😅😢
This is England right?
I was there at the same day when the machete attack happened but I was at the fun fair plus while I was going to c2c train to go someone got stabbed I felt so scared but luckily allah(god) saved me.
Are there no real British men left to save this country?
Rivers Of Blood.
Complain and you're right wing
Is this what doctors do in their spare time.
I spent the best part of my teens March 97 until March 01 in Margate and never did our generation behave like that, nor did we ever witness this, drunken pub brawl's happen in every pub in the world, are we going to stop alcohol because a few can't handle a drink or don't know when to stop drinking? This is different because they are most likely sober, weed doesn't make people violent either, this is disturbing, it's like they are under order's to terrorize civilians, i think they are planning another lockdown, instead of addressing the matter by sending all the illegal immigrants back to their countries, one attempted assault should be more than enough reason for immediate deportation, not even a court case, but Starmer is against his own country.
London is now a no go country. The amount of stabbing is alarming.
Love to know how many have a father at home
If they weren’t from Southend why weren’t they apprehended at the stations
The worst is that if someone was living in Southend, to escape the gang issues in London, they can just jump on the train and spread their gang violence to the surrounding towns. This country is becoming grimmer and grimmer and we are gas lighted, as the clattering train races towards its destination.
bye bye England.
The Essex's version of pirates of the Caribbean
5 incidents in 2 weeks and NONE of them in Birmingham & London. 😢
You Brits have some of the most peculiar sports?! My aren’t you something?!
Fanatic Machete 😂😂😂 Welcome refugies …Your country is a multicultural dunghill and a decaden country .🙊🙉🙈
I live in Leigh on sea near Belfairs woods. A male was found this morning with deep Machete wounds and suffering severe blood loss. Today is Thursday and lots of families with small children have had to leave the woods due to males with Machete,s hiding in the woods. Never in 40 years have I witness such carnage on our streets.
How's that working out for you guys letting the government take your guns?
Those police are watching star war movie?
Are we all felling culturally enriched?
Middle Eastern culture in all its glory!
That restaurant owner saying it's just an isolated incident and they've all gone home just doesn't want to lose business really lol.
Notice how the police handled the situation,would not trust them to keep a bag of jelly babies safe
Wait.. I'm seeing a pattern here 🤔
Es de vergüenza que la policía no tenga ni defensas ni armas reglamentarías,me gustaría ver a los responsables políticos y policiales haber que podían hacer con esos medios,no tienen la valentía para hacerlo
No one cut though ??? No injuries ???? Inserjents sent in to cause more distress all paid for police in daily uniform not riot gear no riot policing used. Do you all know the police force was sold along with nhs and prison system to a private corporations the police are no more supoerior than a macdonalds employee. I will bet that the owner is a foreign Muslim. They are not our police force it us not our NHS …….IT IS NOT
Remember when people had manners & consideration! Young people stop acting like wannabe gangsters not only is it unintelligent… it’s exactly how the powers that be wanna mold you! The new rebellion is politeness manners developing your soul & generally not acting like idiots under violent mind control! Know thyself. ❤
This is how socialism ends, no personal responsibility or social accountability, just a world full of entitled people.
There used to be just Deck Chairs along that stretch, with ice cream vendors and families
strolling on by…… bye bye that thought.
Not too many white people around 😢
I Beth thy who's Muslims let's blame Muslims who cares anyway!