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Legends is more cannon than this Disney garbage will ever be
Excellent video brother, outstanding! Team Darkside 🤘
Think of what we could of had or have if Disney didn't take over
Vader absolutely balanced the force. There were thousands of Jedi and 2 sith with a few dark jedi. He helped get rid of the thousands of jedi and left only a few. In mathematics we call that balance.
Then he destroyed the sith.
Word for word of the prophecy he accomplished.
Freedon Nadd & Exar Kun doesn't ring a bell at all? Also how comes you failed to mention that Sidious kept Vader alive by dark side force healing on Mustafar & it hasn't been stated that there are any limitations to extent of ability itself. Since this is Legends stuff then I'll allow myself to throw in Bedlum Spirits – things they did with the Force leaves literally anyone in dust – way I see it even likes of Luke or Abaloth.
Darth Vader did destroy the sith and bring balance it just took him 24 yrs to do it.
2:57 dope transition my guy🙌🏽
Retney my dawg- I love your legends lore LONER FORMAT VIDS. Man keep ‘em coming please!! 🔥🙏🏼🫡You should/could also add to or update the videos/character lore too n keep the content pushing too you feel me ?
At 12:57 there’s Dr.Strange
You know, I never understood why Vader used to say to everybody you’ll never understand the power of the Darkside? He didn’t even know the power of the Darkside. Everything he did after Mustafa was still just regular Jedi shit be honest with you. Only Sidious force lightning.. for instance, remember when Yoda lifted Duke ship out of the water and then they had I think it was an Obi-Wan, where Darth grabbed the fucking destroyer and pulling it back.. same thing that’s not the Darkside he had for the whole time not the Darkside.. I’m telling you
It is jedi master shine
Very great compilation it is great when it come to Vader losing his potential in the force I always thought that it didn't make much sense because the total number of cells didn't determine the potential of someone in the force otherwise Yoda will be one of the weakest Jedi I liked way better the idea that Vader was held back by his mental state but loss of limbs honestly George Lucas is a writter not a scientist
Such an awesome video I was surprised you don't have more subs! Keep going big bro!
Darth Vader is my favorite character, but hes sometimes hard to understand, so this is perfect! Thank you!
Edit: i just noticed its an hour long! I can listen to this while I work on my Death Star diamond art project! Awesome!
Think what we could have got if Legends was still canon
I just finished Luke Skywalker 2,5 hour compilation and I see another one about Vader. You’re great Retney!
Greetings from 🇵🇱 😉 Paula