Quit my job to become a stay-at-home dog mom

Quit my job to become a stay-at-home dog mom
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Wow you guys the last 6 months have been insane in every way possible. My company went under, I started working as a marketing contractor to support myself, got out of a horrible relationship, found myself single and alone in a foreign country while recovering from a major illness, moved apartments on my own, then Maggie had a spinal stroke and now here we are piecing our little lives back together. But through all of that, Maggie has made almost 400,000 internet friends and we’ve begun getting our first ever brand deals!!! 🥳 It’s absolutely incredible and I owe it all to every person who follows Maggie. You guys have made our life possible and I cannot wait to keep growing so Maggie can continue making an impact on the world. Your support has not only allowed me to become a full time creator, youve also helped me raise over $35,000 for dogs in need, you’ve saved no less than 19 stray dogs, and so many people have sent messages saying they’ve switched to #positivereinforcementtraining for their dogs. I hope to keep bettering the lives of animals, one person at a time for the rest of my life. As we start to accept brand deals I want to make a few promises to you all as Maggie’s community: 1. I will never recommend a product or brand that I don’t already use for Maggie or have used before and fully trust. 2. I will never work with a brand that uses animal testing I personally switched all my self-care products to cruelty free and vegan this year and I’ll never go back! 3. I will never work with a brand that is known to harm or endanger animals and I will always do my research to feel confident that we are working with only ethical brands. I know paid partnership videos can be annoying, but they are how I can continue to support Maggie and myself so I hope you guys will continue supporting those vids as they come along. Thank you all for being here and loving Maggie (almost) as much as I do! 😭🥰🥹 All my love, Jen (and of course Maggie) #seniordog #rescuedog #dogmomlife #staffy #are


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About the Author: Maggiepotamus


  1. Thank this wonderful dog mom for loving this sweet dog. Some people should never be allowed to have any type pets or children. If a person will
    abuse a wonderful creature that is pure love,they would abuse a young child too

  2. She deserves all the love & attention she can get from her people.But let's face it not many have the option of staying home to be with their dog all day ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😊

  3. What a beautiful baby, my NINA was my world until someone stole her. I got a call one day from RAC saying she was adopted and they scanned her chip….the new family wanted to change her name. I'm still broken 💔 thank you for being the mom this baby needs and deserves

  4. I feel like she’s almost saying “am I dreaming or is this really happening because my life has been so bad up until now it has to be a dream.” Thankfully its not. ❤❤❤❤❤

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