#MindWarehouse #IncredibleMoments #CaughtOnCamera #InterestingFacts
BRAIN TIME ► https://goo.gl/tTWgH2
A taxi for a penguin, revenge of a camel, and an impressive POV video from a water slide – these are the videos that made this selection excellent.
For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com *** https://www.youtube.com/@INCREDIBLE-qq2zi SLICED ► https://goo.su/v3QLR
This video deserves all the praise it gets. The incredible moments showcased here are unparalleled
Why was that crab making those sand balls?
I love it
That dog was kinda cool, wasn't he? 🤣🤣🤣
Your videos are addictive! I've seen them all, and I'm craving more. Keep up the great work!
That was a Moose not an Elk.
Why do you tube video compilers seem to have such a hard time differentiating between elk and moose? I’ve seen a number where what was clearly an elk in the video was described as a moose, and a couple others like this one where a moose is misidentified as an elk.
Elk? that's a Moose pal, way different in appearance..
That was a moose racing by in the snow not an elk. Both types of animals wander through my yard on a regular basis.
The was the most moosen lookin elk I've ever seen 🤣🤣
Seeing an Elk is no less dangerous than seeing a bear? That's a MOOSE. Not an elk.
So many clips are doubled on videos now.
We are from Srilanka 🇱🇰 we missed this elephant last month
Damn! Did everyone see that huge ELK!
thats a Moose not an Elk
Spot the draco👺 biggest crimes against humanity subscribe today now free ✌❤
Cun kob delivering food by abseil i wanna do that!
Nie dawajcie ruskich filmów! Wszystkie będę kasował, a potem wykasuje was!!! Adolf Putin nie żyje!!! Hieronim Stępień!
So what does Tarantino have to do with a winery?
I see lot of people talking about the elephant is hurt. So when you walk your dog in the park he should wear belt around his neck and you hold him back when he tries to run. That's not hurtful isn't it. FYI this elephant is loved by every people in sri lanka and has taken a good care of him. Food and medical supplies on time. Which isn't for evey animal but he lived the better life than other elephants because he is chain only when he is out in the street. That is the other side of the story.
This video would be infinitely better if you didn't talk.
Just grab a straw
1:30 the thing of nightmares. 🙂
5:03 That there's a moose. Ain't like no elk I er'er see.
The dump truck dumping rocks was fascinating.
1:29 I don't know why, but this reminds me my ex girlfriend (so now you guys can guess why I left her xD )
Its a moose not an elk
thats a moos
What's with the dolphin sound effect every now and then?
*moose haha
The girl with the border collie, the trust fall. I’ve never seen that before . Incredible trainer, incredible dog.
The video of what they said was an elk was a moose but other than that I don't think there was anything else wrong
Best video ever!!!!❤️
I'm not re-engineered, I'm going to bed now.
5:17)A Moose late for a lodge meeting?
5:26)T handle on the faucet.Was it turned on by the drinker?
5:38)Can it be driven on land like a Biski?
7:59)A doctor told me that the "heart" shape was closer to a prostate gland shape.
Love the content not the display of floating logos🙁
1. Show clips
2. shud da fugg up
What's incredible about a cat in a bush or the coal being dropped from a lorry. 🤔🤔🤔
Moose not elk
not main jenga boss – there's clip of guy doing taller one – no look! 😑