Southend machete fight: ‘Black community HAS to STEP IN’ for HARD handed approach to ‘FERAL’ youths

Southend machete fight: 'Black community HAS to STEP IN' for HARD handed approach to 'FERAL' youths
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‘This can’t just come from the government, I’m looking at the black community to step in now.’

Anti-knife crime campaigner, Matt, calls for a ‘hard-handed approach’ due to the ‘zero respect for the law’ amongst today’s youth after a machete fight in broad daylight in Southend.

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  1. Don’t get it twisted. There are gangs that have both black and white gang members. Unfortunately so many people are so brainwashed and indoctrinated into this rigged reality that to strip away all the layers is gonna take a real long time. If you know you know. Here’s a hint those who control the world thus control the narrative

  2. I was planning a few days away in Southend in September.. I'm now looking at going elsewhere because of this
    I grew up around there this is so unfair on ordinary people ..
    This isn't the first time this has happened.. made me feel sick for the residents

  3. Everyone of them should take DNA test. I promise you will only find 1% pure Englishman if you’re lucky. The Queen herself was not full blooded so what the hell are you fighting for?😂. Bunch of jobless people, you won’t go and work. Anyways continue, wish you all the best.

  4. The simple truth is that we as black people, Indians Arabs Asians and Hispanics are destroying Western Civilization. Last I looked in the mirror I am black and just telling the truth.

  5. Family breakdown, needing father figures …. All issues in the UK REGARDLESS of race. Christianity is so important we all need Jesus and we need family core values.x

  6. You're a useful too, Matt. These were white males, they brought you on to deflect from that fact and you fell for it. What a dim-wit.

  7. You're a useful too, Matt. These were white males, they brought you on to deflect from that fact and you fell for it. What a dim-wit.

  8. You're a useful too, Matt. These were white males, they brought you on to deflect from that fact and you fell for it. What a dim-wit.

  9. You're a useful too, Matt. These were white males, they brought you on to deflect from that fact and you fell for it. What a dim-wit.

  10. Knife crime is not just a black yourh problem. You white lads up north carry blades and machetes. But, a large proportion down south are black and it shocking, i speak as a proud black Brit..

  11. Stop with your nonsense!! This station, and the terrible right and far right media know FULLY well that stabbings are done by ALL races and backgrounds. Why weren't the wte folks demonstrating in the towns where that disgusting child abuser and murderer, who killed 4 children and his girlfriend! His unborn baby, a child that was not his, and two siblings.😡 He was a wte man. So is it only when their own colour kills, they turn a blind eye by saying, "he's alright jack!" WELL ITS NOT ALRIGHT! 😡 Youths and children of all backgrounds are killing one another. We need grown ups in the media and the social network companies, parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles….. We need to start seeing the world as not "ours!" But as the future for generations coming up behind and watching ridiculous, racist and hypocritical behaviour. The world has NEVER been run by one colour of people. They tried, it FAILED!

  12. This issue is not about race. This is a huge problem in this country. Too much racism. It's a class issue…poverty is the main driver. There is a lot of knife crime in poor WHITE areas too. Its just that in London the poorest people tend to be black and their crimes are highlighted more, as they are seen as other. That said we need to take a firm no tollarance approach to the violence. Heavy sentences as well as community support.

  13. Only England, you see policeman standing by watching a swordfight with kids playing in the background. The UK police and government what a joke.

  14. Were you as outraged by the riot in Leeds by Roma Gypsies and Pakistanis.(Roma gypsies are Muslim) Are you as outraged by the Black gangs from London who turned up in Southend with Machetes and went on the rampage? Are you outraged by the police officer punching a female protestor in the face at the Lonson protest on Thursday night or doesn't any of that fit with your left leaning agenda?

  15. Ignoring the people, smearing them with misinformation and threatening them with prosecution and calling this a democracy is the biggest joke ever and everyone is waking up to it, this establishment is driving us into a brickwall, this is anti democratic behaviour that you'd find in north korea

  16. We use to transport our sound system up the road to a youth club and play music, thats what made me study Electronics. They've totally converted it to something else. So what we did in out past these youth have no direction.

  17. When you cant whoop your kids no more this is the result 😂 i know mfs got their ass whooped out of prison and are successful business owners now just saying 🥱 now you cant even shout at your kids wrong or social is involved the kids are disrespectful now and run the household i even answered back id be on the floor looking up at lights asking " is that you god "

  18. Most gangs up and down the country are ethnically inclusive, they are a mixture of every enthnic grouping unless you live in only an overwhelmingly white black or Asian community. There is only one thing that keeps these groups intact low aspiration and opportunity.

    As for knife crimes Glasgow so just as bad if not worse. Its was called I think a ‘National Health Crisis’.

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