From a possible creepy paranormal sighting caught on camera by the side of the road to scary footage that might show a ghost in a museum, we look at the creepiest paranormal sightings ever caught on camera. #Creepy #Paranormal #SlappedHam
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7. En este video según parece un camionero no se percata que lleva a una mujer en su cabina y más adelante se dan cuenta que lo que en realidad andaba con él era una mujer fantasma… https://www.tiktok.com/@soyeljuliolopez/video/7385597772960926981
6. 10 Creepiest Paranormal Photos Ever Taken https://slappedham.com/10-creepiest-paranormal-photos-ever-taken/
5. Video: Captan fantasma de una mujer en la carretera Saltillo-Torreón… https://www.tvazteca.com/aztecanoticias/video-fantasma-mujer-carretera-saltillo-torreon-especiales
4. part 1 gaess Ugem di pantai https://www.tiktok.com/@cuzzlathiff/video/6906380114221747457
3. 10 Creepiest Paranormal Photos Ever Taken https://slappedham.com/10-creepiest-paranormal-photos-ever-taken/2/
2. 😱… https://www.tiktok.com/@thespookypage/video/7389660115953061136
1. 10 Creepiest Paranormal Photos Ever Taken https://slappedham.com/10-creepiest-paranormal-photos-ever-taken/
Fortress Basement
By Experia
Phase Flip
By Ethan Sloan
Man-Made Structures
By Ethan Sloan
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
WATCH THE EXORCISM OF KENNEDY IFE: https://youtu.be/VQ8BhGagtwk?si=wqbUWiWucRhCoPyF
The Firsth video is a fraud made in Mexico, the driver and the company never show real photos and video. The video you are showing is made whit IA
Looks like she's wearing white pancake makeup, doesn't even cover the hairline or jawline, it's fake.
I am protected from any negative energy from this video stay safe 🙏
The first one is the biggest joke i have ever seen 😂😂😂!!
Yeah. A woman in the cab of the truck. Driver has to claim he didn't know she was there or get fired. The photo of the little girl and the 'samurai' has long since been debunked. The woman isn't headless, it's the lighting and camera that make her look that way. Not a disembodied hand. Most likely it is someone standing next to him off camera. We can't see his entire tight side. And as hard as that hand was touching him, he would have reacted has he been alone. Funny how that figure is only in one photo. It's not floating, you see legs. Most likely a person who works at the museum since ghost don't need to shop. The door did not open on it's own. There are door knobs on both sides of a door. This looks very staged. The last is a doll. Guessing someone put it there do it could be photographed and they could holler 'haunted!'.
The girl with the boots behind her if you look at her left arm below the elbow there is a light blue shirt sticking out aswell
That first one is clearly fake, dashcams look outwards to monitor the road. If the company did have an inward one too why would it move from side to side?
Aaahahahaha naughty lorry driver,hooker anyone? 😂
For the disembodied hand it could just be his friend who is off camera to the left of the screen trying to hold his shoulder
Last one is obviously a doll
5:20 ghost just doing some shopping
a victim of the truck driver.
Now I don't mind admitting that if any of these happened to me…I'd shit me pants.
Just a friend putting a hand on him
Theres always a reason to explain wat they c
No just rocks behind her
Rubbish fake in the lorry
9:51 "age : 560-565 " damn the recognition program did that ghost dirty ! x)
The samurai one there is a guy in white crouching at the water
First one looks like he kidnapped a lot lizard and then probably killed and dumped the body somewhere.
Here's the solution to the woman in the truck. Obviously the cab is covered by a camera so just got back through the footage, and if there's no one opening the passenger door or driver's side door and climbing in then it's a ghost.
I know lots of people say the first is a guy picked her up and denied it, but firstly he knew the camera was there, secondly her dress is not modern at all and thirdly his body language is saying focussed but relaxed concentration. There is nothing showing heightened or anxious behaviour and wouldn’t you be if you had her sat next to you? It’s just creepy! The girl on the beach…she looks photoshopped…her legs don’t look real!
8:23 That Hodded Ghost looks reminds Soul Collector from The Frighteners!
Driver picked up a hooker and tried to play her off as a ghost when he realized the company had installed cameras in the cabin 🤣
I believe in the paranormal but who believes this rubbish?
Face recognition- just saying that I've seen other cameras 📷 Pic up on blurred entities and faces, dark shadows so why wouldn't this specialized camera software pick up entities also!?
Peace 🕊
Why can you see the road behind the driver in the first one? It looks like the truck has no bulkhead
Oh wow I thought it was just me but I take pictures all the time of empty hallways only to discover later on that it was empty.
The one with the girl and the boots. There is a person hunched over near the rocks to the right. Looks like they are dressed in samurai suicide clothes.
why do ghosts come with racoon eyes and clothes on? did the clothes die too……………..i'm yet to see a rich ghost