EP98.Nature disaster as it chronicles the unprecedented flooding events that swept across vast regions of Switzerland. These floods, resulting from extreme weather conditions, illustrate the overwhelming power of nature and its capacity to alter landscapes and lives in moments.As the footage unfolds, each scene intensifies the reality of thisnature disaster. Viewers are shown aerial and ground-level shots of submerged cities, displaced communities, and rescue operations in full swing. The visual impact of the waters rising swiftly, engulfing entire neighborhoods and agricultural lands, starkly exemplifies what nature disaster can entail.This video not only documents the immediate effects of the floods but also delves into the long-term environmental and human impacts, reinforcing its status as a nature disaster. It serves as a poignant reminder of our vulnerability to changing climate patterns and underscores the urgency for enhanced flood management and disaster preparedness systems. These catastrophic events, captured so powerfully on camera, urge a global conversation on sustainability and resilience in the face of such significant natural disasters.
00:00 Natural disasters caught on camera
04:30 Hurricane switzerland
10:20 Switzerland floods
15:46 Disasters
20:33 Natural disasters
25:50 Caught on camera
31:05 Disasters caught on camera
Nature Disasters Caught On Camera 2024
Massive China Flooding
Tragic! Spain Is In Need Of Relief
The biggest rockfalls
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This Video researched by: Dr. Francisco Ferry
Address: 40774 Elvie Key Spinkafort, SC 85523
Birthday Date 1980-11-08
Age 43 years old
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We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
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Don't hope if anyone if okay , hope that they repent
Wht mother nature?!!?!!!!!
Evil world!!!!!!!
Quick repentance before it's too late and trust God always and pray… LovE one another 💕
Truly this is a sign of end times we are in the last days guys repent and call on the LORD
Wow ❤
A lot of bad things happening in Switzerland right now RPS 111
Lord jesus christ have mercy on us and the whole world.
Only pray to heavenly Father ist to lete but keep praying to heavenly Father only thanks do not mention any name or any aidole thanks ❤
Bismillah . . . ! Wake up call to Mankind who Obeyed not Allah SWT of His Command to Rule the World with Islam Religion by the Quran Alone – His Truth, Laws, Words, Book of Revelations, that existed ahead of Everything in Creations delivered to Mankind thru His chosen Prophets and Messengers from Adam to Muhammad (Peace be upon them all), their Only and Ultimate Path to Heavenly, not to Hellfire, Life Forever. Most Men neglected to study, to understand, to believe in, and to 'Obey', swayed by their Satanic earthly temporal life's desires for riches, glitters, power, ego boast, popularity, prestige, title, honor, doctoral degree, etc., cause of Global chaos and conflicts since the beginning of time, now at its peak, manifesting an End Time Sign. Astagfirullah! Mash'Allah! Allahu'akbar!
Take care of nature first….then everyone will live longer with safe
tell lie , that is not swizerland. this year switzerland is no problem. everything ok. thatwas 20 years ago
Unfortunately is this video mixed with videos of other countries like China.
Amazing!!!😍Thank you for sharing!..😘😘😘
🍕THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the Salvation of the last day that Christ brought in the second and last incarnation of His new and holy name"
(Are those who witnessed My words really accept them? Do you really learn obedience? You are heartbroken? Do you really spend yourselves for Me? Do you really testify to Me with durable and gave up in front of the big red dragon? The your loyalty is truly degrading the big red dragon? I can only achieve My goal of refining the church and choosing the real love of Me by trying My words. Because I have started My work, I will surely finish it, but I still finish it, but I still have it the measures of human hearts to its depths. Finally, I will fulfill all My work by words, which cause to come back to subjection to My kingdom those who are really loving me, to live in front of My throne. Since it is, There will be a new procedure: All who read My Word and accept it as their own lives are people in My Kingdom, and they are in My Kingdom, they are the people of My Kingdom. Because they accept the guidance of my words, even if they are called as my people, this title is not second in any way of calling as my "children." After making God's people, everyone should serve with the utmost concern in My Kingdom and fulfill their duties in My Kingdom. A new method is now entered, and there is no need to go again. If this is what I have already said in the past or what I say in the future, all I will enable, one at a time, and will allow all mankind to see them to come true. This is the principle behind My words and activities. Since the establishment of the Church has been achieved, it is no longer the maturity of the building of the church, but the age when the Kingdom is successfully built. However, since you are still on the ground, the gatherings of the earth will still be recognized as "the church." Therefore, I say that My Kingdom falls on earth. My people have a certain sense of listening to My voice, and each of them who love Me really will come back before My throne.)
Almighty God said
THAT is WITNESSES in My WORDS are REALLY ACCEPTING them? DO you REALLY KNOW Me? Did you REALLY LEARN OBEDIENCE? Do you heart-hearted yourself for me? DO you REALLY TESTIFY to Me FIRMLY and GIVE UP in FRONT of the BIG RED DRAGON? Are you LOYALTY is TRULY DEGRADING the BIG RED DRAGON? I can ONLY ACHIEVE My GOAL of REFINING the CHURCH and CHOOSING the REAL LOVE of Me by TRYING My WORDS. If I did not do this way, CAN ANYONE KNOW Me? WHO can KNOW My NOBILITY, in My WRATH, and in My WISDOM by My WORDS? Because I have STARTED My WORK, I will SURELY FINISH it, BUT I STILL MEASURE the HEARTS of MAN until its DEPTHS. In fact, NO ONE of the PEOPLE KNOWS Me, so I'm GUIDING all people through WORDS, to LEAD them to a NEW ERA. Finally, I WILL PLAY all My WORK through the WORDS, which will cause to RETURN to SUBMISSION to My KINGDOM those who LOVE ME, to LIVE before My THRONE. 🙏
The SITUATION NOW is NOT as BEFORE, and My WORK has been ENTERED in a NEW START. Since then, there will be a new way: ALL who READ My WORD and ACCEPT it as their OWN LIVES are people in My KINGDOM, and BECAUSE they are in My KINGDOM, they are the PEOPLE of My KINGDOM. Because they ACCEPT the GUIDANCE of My WORDS, even if they are CALLED as My PEOPLE, this TITLE is NOT SECOND in ANY WAY of CALLING as My "children." ☀️
After MAKING GOD'S people, EVERYONE should SERVE with the utmost CONCERN in My KINGDOM and FULFILL their DUTIES in My KINGDOM. Anyone who DISOBEYS my ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIGNMENTS should RECEIVE My PUNISHMENT. This is My advice at all:
A NEW METHOD is NOW ENTERED, and NO NEED to MENTION the PAST. However, as I have ALREADY SAID; that I STAND in My WORD, and I ALWAYS END up with what I STAND; And NO ONE can CHANGE it – it's COMPLETELY.
If this is what I HAVE ALREADY SAID in the PAST or what I would SAY in the FUTURE, all I will ENLIGHTEN, ONE, and ALLOW all MANKIND to SEE them to COME TRUE. This is the PRINCIPLE BEHIND My WORDS and ACTIVITIES. SINCE the ESTABLISHMENT of the CHURCH has been ACHIEVED, it is NO LONGER the MATURITY of the BUILDING of the CHURCH, BUT the age when the KINGDOM is SUCCESSFULLY BUILT.🛑 However, SINCE you are STILL on the GROUND, the PARTITIONS of the EARTH will STILL be RECOGNIZED as "the church." Even so, the SPIRIT of the CHURCH is NOT as usual – it's a CHURCH that is SUCCESSFUL in buzzing. Therefore, I SAID that My KINGDOM CAME DOWN to EARTH. There CAN be NO ONE to the ROOT of My WORDS, nor UNDERSTAND My PURPOSE in SPITTING them. In the WAY of My SPEECH TODAY, you will EXPERIENCE SUDDEN INSIGHT. 🙏
There may be some that suddenly spill on strong and bitter crying: others may feel this fear of the way my speech; Others may cling to their old-fashioned views while watching every action; Others may repent of their grievances or resistance to me; Others may be sly, because they are never cleansed from my name, and now they are restored. Some people may be "tortured" by My words until they were dying, discouraged and sad; that there is no desire to obey the words I say; Although I have changed My way of expression; Or else at some time it has faithfully served Me, who never groan, never doubted, is now blessed to gain a liberation and feel unpaid thanks to Me in their hearts.
Every person is in the conditions mentioned above, at different levels. But since the past was past, and the present was here, no need to go back to the past with regret, or worry about the future. As people, anyone who conflicts with reality and does not do things – guidance according to My guidance can not come to a good end, but will only bring trouble to themselves. In all things happening in the universe, there is nothing that I do not have the last time. Is there anything none of My hands? Anything I say is happening, and who of the people can change My mind? Can this be the covenant of what I did on earth? No one can hinder the advancement of My plan; I am always present in my work as well as my management plan. Who among people can meddle? Do not I personally make this configuration? Entering this situation today is still not diverting from My plan or what I have seen; I have set everything. Who among you can tolerate this step of My plan? My PEOPLE have a CERTAIN SENSE of LISTENING to My VOICE, and EACH of THEM who LOVE Me REALLY will COME BACK BEFORE My THRONE. 🙏
From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh"
fulfillment in (John 1: 1) and (Ezekiel 2: 9-10), (Rev. 9: 9,13)
📩 All who have "ears to listen" are led to what the Spirit of God is saying in His lowered and built kingdom/Church engraved with His new name, His totality, the ownership of this disposition, "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD "💐 fulfillment from what was said He to Peter 2,000 years ago recorded in (Matthew 16:18-19). His Coming is the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the great book of Revelation, so the last "Salvation" He brought the whole truth, the way for eternal life. So the "victorious" ones who will receive them are the wise "virgins" because as recorded in the prophecy of His return no one knows it except the one who will receive it! So "come" and come to His kingdom/church standing in the holy place in the air/YouTube! This is also a fulfillment from the book of (Isaiah 2:2/9:6) which He first fulfilled in His first incarnation. 📥
"They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). … and (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 💌
Had to turn off volume. This guy is a Melodrama Queen.
He’s coming … 🙏… repent .. repent.. 🙏
Sie belügen für diese klicks tausende von Menschen. Und die Menschen glauben ihnen und folgen sie! In der Schweiz gibt es so etwas nicht. Hier ist die Sonne scheint und alles ist ruhig. ☀️🌝🌞
Please pray … pray.. pray 🙏 … I already saw it in my dreams … 😩😮😮😮🫨
This world is contaminated by satan. There is a better place for us prepared by God. God will destroy this world like in the days of Noah because of disobedience but this time is fire. Please leave worldly things and worldly desires because that is what makes people evil. Cleanse our hearts through our Lord Jesus Christ because God looks at what is in our hearts. May the love and compassion reign in our hearts for fellow human being around the world and above all Love to our Almighty God with all our hearts, with all our minds, with all our souls and with all our strengths. The leaders of all nations must godly with fears and respects to the Almighty God, because obedience to the Almighty God always brings blessings. God’s warn us that the anti-Christ people are being united to revive the prideful and wicked babylon using barbaric people to implement the mark of the beast/666 so that all people will fall into hell, that's what satan wants. The evil spirit of anti-Christ reigns in their hearts forcing the people to accept the mark of the beast/666. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OwPkfQbE3sU They want the people to reject the truth which is the gift of God, no one else the Son of God our Lord Jesus Christ our savior and redeemer. Almost all the people are rejecting the gift of God, that's why they have no peace. Our Lord Jesus Christ is a Prince of Peace. Our disobedience to God is what keeps us away from Him. The pride attitude that we followed from lucifer will lead us to destruction in hell, that's what satan wants, he can take us to hell. In God's great love, He sacrificed His only Son the payment for our sins. We can never come to God the Father without God the Son to cleanse us. Lord Jesus Christ is our purifier through His precious blood. Our Lord Jesus Christ is in a hurry. He is coming. It's good to be always prepared for what’s coming. It's even more scary if we die without having accepted the Lord Jesus into our hearts and not repenting. Surely we are like the souls in hell who want to return to this world even for a few minutes to repent but there is no hope for them because they ignore God's warning and correction. As long as we are alive, we need to repent and wholeheartedly accept and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Don't wait for tomorrow, we don't know, maybe sudden death will happen to us and we won't be able to repent.
Be prepared always!
The infinite power of our Almighty God create everything. He create our needs like foods, air we breath and others, even our knowledge is from Him but mankind praising and worshipping other gods, worldly things and worldly desires. We so lack in serving GOD but we are still loved. His great love for us is not reciprocated by us, even to thanks Him is nothing. Through His great love to us, He still give a gift of salvation so that we are not fall in hell. We must know all man-made religions are corrupted by satan. To communicate God is through prayer but we need to know first this John 4:24 “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” Our Lord Jesus Christ is the truth. John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We must accept our Lord Jesus Christ with all our hearts and repent, cry hard to our wrong doing and ask forgiveness wholeheartedly. Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “ Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” Our body is a true temple/church of God. The Holy Spirit is God, He live in our body through repent and accept our Lord Jesus wholeheartedly. We can pray and communicate the true living God. Philippians 2:9-11 "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." John 3:36 “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” Zephaniah 1:14-18 "The great day of the Lord is near, near and hastening fast; the sound of the day of the Lord is bitter; the mighty man cries aloud there. A day of wrath is that day, a day of distress and anguish, a day of ruin and devastation, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of trumpet blast and battle cry against the fortified cities and against the lofty battlements. I will bring distress on mankind, so that they shall walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the Lord; their blood shall be poured out like dust, and their flesh like dung. Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them on the day of the wrath of the Lord. In the fire of his jealousy, all the earth shall be consumed; for a full and sudden end he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth."
The anti-Christ people are being united to revive the prideful and evil babylon using barbaric people to implement the mark of the beast/666 to fall all mankind in hell, that's satan wants. When final judgment come is worse than this -> 1.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFi23wyhJ9M , 2.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsOag72Liq0 , 3.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NLbLam2pCI , 4.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N_6wji6zu4 , 5.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlnSon_Jgfc , 6.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhim-qase6Q -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH3po8eqV7c -> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OwPkfQbE3sU
#disasters #floods #storms #hurricane #earthquake #wars #wildfire #pandemic #church #people #needs #salvation #GODtheFATHER #GODtheSON #GODtheHOLYSPIRIT #GODFatherSonHolySpirit are one #LordJesusChrist #giftofGOD #LambofGOD #Emmanuel #Savior #Redeemer #PoweroftheBLOOD #PreciousBloodofJESUSCHRIST #topreels
God is embracing us always, don't ignore God's warning and correction. He loves us so much, He doesn't want us to fall into hell.
#Afghanistan #Albania #Algeria #Andorra #Angola #AntiguaandBarbuda #Argentina #Armenia #Australia #Austria #Azerbaijan #Bahamas #Bahrain #Bangladesh #Barbados #Belarus #Belgium #Belize #Benin #Bhutan #Bolivia #BosniaandHerzegovina #Botswana #Brazil #Brunei #Bulgaria #BurkinaFaso #Burundi #CôtedIvoire #CaboVerde #Cambodia #Cameroon #Canada #CentralAfricanRepublic #Chad #Chile #China #Colombia #Comoros #Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) #CostaRica #Croatia #Cuba #Cyprus #Czechia (Czech Republic) #DemocraticRepublicoftheCongo #Denmark #Djibouti #Dominica #DominicanRepublic #Ecuador #Egypt #ElSalvador #EquatorialGuinea #Eritrea #Estonia #Eswatini (fmr. "Swaziland") #Ethiopia #Fiji #Finland #France #Gabon #Gambia #Georgia #Germany #Ghana #Greece #Grenada #Guatemala #Guinea #GuineaBissau #Guyana #Haiti #HolySee #Honduras #Hungary #Iceland #India #Indonesia #Iran #Iraq #Ireland #Israel #Italy #Jamaica #Japan #Jordan #Kazakhstan #Kenya #Kiribati #Kuwait #Kyrgyzstan #Laos #Latvia #Lebanon #Lesotho #Liberia #Libya #Liechtenstein #Lithuania #Luxembourg #Madagascar #Malawi #Malaysia #Maldives #Mali #Malta #MarshallIslands #Mauritania #Mauritius #Mexico #Micronesia #Moldova #Monaco #Mongolia #Montenegro #Morocco #Mozambique #Myanmar (formerly Burma) #Namibia #Nauru #Nepal #Netherlands #NewZealand #Nicaragua #Niger #Nigeria #NorthKorea #NorthMacedonia #Norway #Oman #Pakistan #Palau #PalestineState #Panama #PapuaNewGuinea #Paraguay #Peru #Philippines #Poland #Portugal #Qatar #Romania #Russia #Rwanda #SaintKittsandNevis #SaintLucia #SaintVincentandtheGrenadines #Samoa #SanMarino #SaoTomeandPrincipe #SaudiArabia #Senegal #Serbia #Seychelles #SierraLeone #Singapore #Slovakia #Slovenia #SolomonIslands #Somalia #SouthAfrica #SouthKorea #SouthSudan #Spain #SriLanka #Sudan #Suriname #Sweden #Switzerland #Syria #Tajikistan #Tanzania #Thailand #TimorLeste #Togo #Tonga #TrinidadandTobago #Tunisia #Turkey #Turkmenistan #Turkmenistan #Tuvalu #Uganda #Ukraine #UnitedArabEmirates #UnitedKingdom #UnitedStatesofAmerica #Uruguay #Uzbekistan #Vanuatu #Venezuela #Vietnam #Yemen #Zambia #Zimbabwe
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Let’s pray for the world
Disaster sometimes well comes dues to devils spirit not neutralize, is a long period of time. Dangerous one's. ✨✨😲🙂🙂
The voice of the narrator seems so excited to see such diasasters to humankind. He might wish to be part of the victims someday
to fully enjoy his rush!!
Yan ang na papala nang gahaman 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 Intayin ninyo si carina 0uro tubeg ang dala Para sa inyo mga gahaman
May Yahuah's will be done as in the book of Obadiah 🙌🏿
titls says swiss
must have a short film available
gave it a thumbs down
the only one at the moment 21-7-24
Manipulacja pogodą HAARP!!!!!
Waoooooo, waoooooo
Turn back to Jesu Christ now, as He is the only way to heaven and no one else! Repent and rebuke all your sins and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior! John 14:6 and John 3:16
Los gob USA do tecnologia para destruir piensen Q hace 4 añosnada de esto se veia xfavor Abram Los opossum estos miserable lo Q quieren esq nos arrodillemos ante de su maldito Nuevo orden mundial😮😮😮😮😮😮
Swiss has a volcano?? Ocean? Dessert? Why are you using this title?
Thanks for sharing this video!
God Bless Switzerland and All effected Countries.
Omg help them and find the children send help!!!!!
Ganyan pag nagalit Ang DIYOS. Nakalimutan na Kasi natin mag dasal sa DIYOS especially Mama Mary 😢
Sebenarnya sebentar lagi gunung merapi disamudera akan meletus nah akan terjadi kepunahan manusia jumlah besar alasannya jelas manusia menolak program langit kami punahkan sajalah di dari pada kamu tambah sombong mengikuti Pbb bukan tuhan ounahsqjalah kau semua gak apa apa kami gak adabruginya
Beautiful this country
Please share help Palestina stop seling isreal produk 😂😂😂
НАРОД ПОКАЙСЯ!! ПРИМИТЕ СВОИМ ГОСПОДОМ И СПАСИТЕЛЕМ ИИСУСА ХРИСТА!! ГОСПОДЬ БОГ ГРЯДЁТ!! ЦАРСТВО БОЖИЕ ПРИБЛИЗИЛОСЬ!!ЧИТАЙТЕ БИБЛИЮ 🙏 Лук 21:10-11,13,25-28: "Тогда сказал им: восстанет народ на народ, и царство на царство; будут большие землетрясения по местам, и глады, и моры, и ужасные явления, и великие знамения с неба. … будет же это вам для свидетельства. … И будут знамения в солнце и луне и звездах, а на земле уныние народов и недоумение; и море восшумит и возмутится; люди будут издыхать от страха и ожидания бедствий, грядущих на вселенную, ибо силы небесные поколеблются, и тогда увидят Сына Человеческого, грядущего на облаке с силою и славою великою. Когда же начнет это сбываться, тогда восклонитесь и поднимите головы ваши, потому что приближается избавление ваше."🙏
That idiot in the moon is making this dilema…..the seal that cordon it…has broken….it happens in September 2023…..the traffic enforcers…is behind all this….they only recognize…the MAYOR….protector of drugs in secretive