Dog Living In Sewer Meets His Forever Family | The Dodo

Dog Living In Sewer Meets His Forever Family | The Dodo
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He learns to dog by doing everything his husky brother does ❤️

Phelps’ new mom shared his amazing transformation story with us. Watch his brother teach him how to play!

Special thanks to Phelps, Crystal & @Pawsitive Tails Dog Rescue – follow them on Instagram!


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. 🤧 aww he's super gorgeous, bless you for being a foster fail, and giving him a terrific forever home with fur siblings. Cracking good video thanks for sharing 🖤😎👍

  2. That baby loves your family with all his little heart. He is so happy and excited to be loved he can’t contain himself. He probably thinks this is a dream and hoping it will last. It’s a miracle he survived; no food, no water, and stuck in that drain. Thank God you pulled him out of that and got him the care he needed poor baby he’s beautiful. Love the way he’s eating up those kisses and love from the man. It’s like he’s looking in the camera saying, “Look he loves me he really does.” Adorable

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