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About the Author: Sky News Australia


  1. Dear westers, please study from China how to control this religion. They are indeed virus!
    I'm so sorry to see this happening to the UK. I hope there is a quick action to stop these people from destroying the UK ASAP. These radical teaching is poison, snake! Using "freedom of expression" to change a country persona.
    Stop them before it's too late! They multiply extremely fast by having more than 1 wife, within 5 years might have 3 kids, etc. Once their population within the community is higher, they will demand even more. God forbid they will even ban / destroy the UK original cultures in the name of their religion or Camel / primitive culture in the future.
    It's an act of culture terrorism, please stop them before it's too late!

  2. UK is no more. The time to apply the brake is long gone. National identity has been diluted, tolerance of intolerance has been injected into minds. Post-Christian civilization and culture, distorted secularism is being replaced by a soupçon of Islamic absolutism cooked on leftist ideology.

  3. I’m afraid this is all a set-up for a multi-national coup by the Globalist Oligarchs who intend to replace all the sovereign Western democracies with their New World Order government. They’re destroying the identities of all the Western European nations, while taking the middle classes down with them. Strong middle classes have always been the hallmark of healthy democracies.

    Aided by a real free press that kept them informed, the middle classes were the only force to counter the very wealthy that once ran the feudal systems. With no more free press, and dwindling middle classes, combined by destruction of national identities, there won’t be much resistance to a coup when it comes.

    Suddenly, the Globalists will take these nations from their citizens and return them all back to the equivalent of the feudal systems Thayer fraught so hard to bee free of.

    I guess what I’m saying is that I can see how the Globalists intend to drive these countries to ruin, so they can take full advantage. When the dust has cleared, and the deed is done, those on the left will finally see they were duped, but it will be far too late to make any difference.

  4. So sad. Britain literally just allowed an invasion of thugs to take over their country. And now they don't have free speech to fight anything. RIP

  5. I wonder exactly how Britain has been improved by this massive clash of cultures. I don’t see how England is ever going to recover from this. In fact, I’m pretty sure it will not.

  6. Douglas Murray have gone far and beyond to fuel the racism against muslims and now pretends to be upset about that people act upon the racist messaging he's been putting forward. What a moth*rf***ing hypocrite! Seriously, f this dude. Racist genocide defenders belong in prison, not on TV.

  7. We Allied citizens need to make it clear..if ITS NOT OUR COUNTRY but that of the politicans. WE WILL NOT FIGHT TO DEFEND OUR COUNTRY in WW3 .. if we arent running it. they cant have it both ways.

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