Paris’ worst fears as Olympic athlete hospitilised after swimming in the river Seine

Paris’ worst fears as Olympic athlete hospitilised after swimming in the river Seine
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Paris organisers’ worst fears have materialised as multiple athletes have fallen seriously ill after competing in the triathlon events held in the Seine River.
#breakingnews #paris2024olympics #seineriver

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  1. Could they have not put more beneficial bateria and algae or plankton like water creatures to naturally balance aand cleanse? Like the role of a clam in an aquarium? Probiotics in women.. and the gut???

  2. Eurape all West has been a very dury place . Just remember the virus who killed lots of people when Spain invaded the South. Eurape never did have cling water or believe in the cleanest😅 place
    They didn't head bathroom or shower or bathtub and the aztek had everything they believe in showers cleaning their homes. It doesn't surprise me about Europe having viruses,or worms in their food they are used to being that way.

  3. They had 4 years to prepare for the Olympics. And they coul start clean the water. BS professional swimmers swimming in sewage. But they can manage to come out with discretion. Religions at the opening they had time for that.😮

  4. Displays of women being hit by men, athlete who vomited 10 times in one race, others being sent to the hospital, carton beds? Great hospitality France…

  5. I feel sorry for the athletes. You're representing your country, there's a huge weight on your shoulders, the "experts" say that the water are fine and also, its an athlete's mentality- they wouldn't have just given up, it would make them lose face.
    The mayor and those who were responsible should be very ashamed. What kind of expert to begin with, could've been so careless and ridiculous to believe that in such a short time, it is possible to clean up decades of pollution?! Just the thought of swimming in sewage water is sickening in itself.🤢 This is negligence.

  6. Amazing Wacko environmentalists keep saying how bad the USA is but nobody has an issue with the River Seine until an athlete swims in it, LOL Kramer swam in the East River on Seinfeld and never got sick, 😊😊

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