Anti-immigration protesters smash through migrant hotel in Rotherham

Anti-immigration protesters smash through migrant hotel in Rotherham
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Hundreds of anti-immigration protesters have attacked a hotel in South Yorkshire that has been used to house migrants.

Videos posted on social media show the police retreating under a hail of objects thrown by protesters outside the Holiday Inn Express in Manvers, Rotherham.

Other footage shows rioters breaking windows before storming the building, as well as a fire breaking out in one of the entrances.

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About the Author: The Telegraph


  1. This isn't a "right wing" issue although the government use that as an excuse to lay blame. This British people saying enough is enough. There was no referendum on allowing the culture, identity and demography of Britain to be changed irreversibly. We never got a say. The former governments are 100% culpable and are to blame. No One else. This has been coming for decades and the politicians ignored it.

  2. Why are the common folk called far right ? That’s a name given by the communists to fool the fools who follow people like Castro , Lenin , Stalin, yes and even the man that they themselves hate , Adolf Hitler. The common man follows the Messiah and the left hates the Messiah. The common man follows the Ten Commandments and the left hates the LAW . The common man loves life and the left hates life . Choose for yourself for the last day grows near .

  3. It us an outrage and a gross injustice that these invaders have been let in and then to add further insult to all British people, now get everything for free!! I

  4. Violence and destruction is not the answer. Protests yes, protest outside the POLITICIANS who have allowed all this. Protest all night long peacefully so they cannot sleep.

  5. Summary
    Tommy Robinson’s connections to Zionist organizations and individuals raise questions about his true loyalties and the origins of the English Defense League.

    🕵️‍♂️ Tommy Robinson co-founded the English Defense League (EDL) with Paul Ray, linked to pro-Israel activities.
    🇮🇱 The EDL was registered by ex-Israeli soldier Roberta Moore, who led its Jewish division.
    🤝 Paul Ray infiltrated pro-Palestinian groups before founding the EDL, raising concerns about its intentions.
    📜 The EDL was briefly renamed the Jewish Defense League UK, which is designated a terrorist organization by the US.
    💰 Tommy Robinson received significant funding from Robert Schillman, linked to pro-Israel initiatives.
    🔍 Robinson has ties to the neoconservative Middle East Forum, associated with controversial figures.
    ⚔️ His statements about fighting for Israel contradict his claims of patriotism, especially regarding British casualties.
    Key Insights
    🧩 The EDL’s formation appears influenced by individuals with pro-Zionist agendas, indicating a potential ideological alignment with extremist groups. This complicates the EDL’s public image and questions its motives.
    📈 The registration of the EDL by individuals with military and intelligence backgrounds suggests a deliberate strategy to frame the organization within a broader geopolitical context, raising concerns about its foundational principles.
    🚨 Linking the EDL to the JDL, a designated terrorist organization, highlights the serious implications of its rhetoric and actions, inviting scrutiny from both the public and authorities.
    💵 Financial backing from influential Zionist donors reflects a network of support that bolsters Robinson’s platform, revealing the potential for foreign influence in domestic politics.
    ⚖️ Robinson’s callous remarks on British soldiers’ deaths in Gaza showcase a troubling disconnect between his nationalist rhetoric and the realities of war, challenging his claims of patriotism.
    🔗 The associations between Robinson and extremist organizations prompt critical questions about loyalty and the motivations behind his activism, leading to broader discussions about radicalization.
    🌍 The media’s role in shaping narratives around such figures is crucial, emphasizing the need for alternative platforms that provide comprehensive coverage of these complex issues.

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