Total Idiots At Work Caught On Camera! Best Fails of the week #1
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✅ TOP videos:
★ [14:40] Total Idiots At Work Caught On Camera! Funny Fails Compilation: https://youtu.be/hBEzT33pg6k?si=gvLNAN_L83hJgmUQ
★ [15:05] Total Idiots At Work Caught On Camera! Funny Fails Compilation: https://youtu.be/hlxbFWP9VKA?si=y2bW4kDZP0EUMAyb
★ [ 53:50] Total Idiots At Work Caught On Camera ! Best Fails of the week: https://youtu.be/k50yfCXmoEw?si=f__d1_FInbQfOOVs
✅ Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2S_8Xxb-5_qund5xlGMTZeGAh6pnLFnx
★ Total Idiots At Work:
The Total Idiots At Work Caught On Camera! Best Fails of the week videos are intended for both educational and entertainment purposes. Each video adheres to YouTube guidelines, and it’s worth noting that no individuals were harmed during their creation.
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WOMAN drivers, NO SURVIVORS!!!!!!!!! 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
A piece of added stupidity by the narrator of this video. At 50:45 the idiot of a narrator calls the woman a "him". Guess he is like Supreme Court Justice "Jackson" who doesn't know the difference between a woman and a man, that's because he doesn't know what a woman is. And like "his idiots", he doesn't seem bothered by the fact that the viewers knows he is an idiot.
If there is any idiot, it's the creator of this video. Very, very poor editing job. Most of the clips are cut off at the end by a couple of seconds and it's hard to see the out come of the action. Next, he should learn to keep his mouth shut. He's not funny at all and we can see the action and we don't need his stupid comments. So child like.
Chick's these days would rather you record them bustin' their ass and almost falling in a river than… someone standing there with their arms outstretched to catch them.
To each their own but…. Memories I guess
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Yup. People really are this dumb lolol😂
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