This angry woman stormed into a restaurant, caught on camera, and randomly approached a guy carrying his food and a beer, minding his own business. She tried to slap the food out of his hand, but he stood confidently, unfazed by her attempts. As she tried to knock his food away multiple times, he finally threw it in her face, causing her to fall like a fly, all while he held onto his beer. Instant karma at its finest.
Narrator: Brutal TV
Researcher/Writer: Brutal TV
Video Editor: Lance
Music: https://artlist.io
Stock Media Footage: https://motionarray.com/browse/stock-video
More Stock footage: https://elements.envato.com
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Brutal TV? Are you kidding me? You don't show crap! Don't cry about YT will remove it or not pay you. If you can't post the clips accurately, then don't post. There are millions of channels that show the "Brutal" contact that you edit out. Thumbs down to you.
This is all lies, i have seen Netflix movies and series in that 5'2 feet 50kg woman can destroy 120kg 6'2 feet Man. Netflix doesn't lie.
Why censor everything.
On that sub Way train you can forever hear that slap till this day she got her bitchy soul out her body
No need edit to stop the klimaks
Why blurred out the people defending their self but not the people fighting in the ring?
You should rename your channel to Ghey TV, you can't selectively edit the videos and call yourself Brutal.
That first one no doubt got back to her friends and said how she was attacked. 😂
It would be nice to see the fucking Karma
Women like that deserve everything they get. Consequences….
pointlless video if u blur all
Bro certainly had his priority straight. Protect the beer. Every time. Ha ha haaaaaa
This garbage should have 0 views. Title sounds good, but the content is trash and very poorly made
i closed video as soon as i saw blurr 😮💨 why post such videos if no action is shown
Equal rights – right? You wanna play with the big boys–you get rolled like the big boys!
what a shit video you cut all what we com to see, report that shit video
the narrative is so far from the truth of these videos
Why are you cutting the contact! unsubscribing
Every hit is edited out
What a useless video
They were never taught respect by parents
These people 😂
Brutal tv? More like censure the best part tv…
bro the thumbnail isn’t fighting back bro was literally just beating her
Don't hit anyone, if you do you might not like being hit back
Why are the funny scenes always blurred? 🙂
Funny how it’s always black men beating up on women.
why you stupid guy stoping frame at the exact moment
Don’t mess with a man beer 🍻
Hold my food
Pero que mierda es esto?, si quitas o píxelas todos los tortazos, muy mal.
Worst video ever
They just make up the narratives on these things. We have no idea what the context is they just throw it together to make it sound as convincing as possible
Safe the beer !
Do blur out the best part!!!
Roba francese niente . A casa
The first one was awesome, beer is more expensive than food😁
This sucks big time. Ther are NO equal rights here if you’re going to censor the man hitting a woman. Some women need equal rights, especially these women. This is a waste of time watching!! Thumbs down 👎 👎👎👎👎👎😤😤😤😤
Why is it there’s always that one guy that wants to step in and be the simp hero instead of stepping in and trying to clam the woman down he’ll stand by and watch the woman physically attack the man and when the man retaliates, here comes the simp usually getting his ass kicked and still not getting the girl 😂😂😂😂, ahhhhh simp’s
Well, the first event made me chuckle. First time I'm watching any "get-even" or "equal fight" M-F videos, but think I'll watch some more….
Of course white knights and simps cant help themselves to be more pathetic ….
crappy channel no one wants to see censored stuff ladd
If u're gonna blur or cut the best part of the video then better don't show it, just a waste of my time and my internet quota.. Disliked!..