This is the greatest cooking commentary of All Time
(Thanks @hasm7, @chaotix7275 and @ActuallySavi for suggesting this!)
00:00 – Master of Burnt Food
02:06 – No Words Can Describe This Chef’s Strange Cooking
11:20 – The Worst Cooking on Youtube
21:16 – My Favorite Chef
30:50 – Master of Salt
39:26 – Return of the Salt Master
46:02 – The Scariest Cooking Show on Youtube
57:52 – Horrible Youtube Cooking Show
1:05:58 – Dangerous Cooking
1:13:40 – Horrible Cooking
1:21:34 – Insane Cooking
1:26:40 – Mayonnaise Is For Real Chefs
Nice title alliteration
Here's some video compilation ideas you can refer to in the future:
– The Real Series (miss these so much)
– Games and Commentary (the old ones without webcam)
– Out of Context (already made by others but needs a compilation)
– Roasts / Insults (same reason as above)
If anyone have any recommendations, please tell me and I'll add them.
Try not to gag compilation (impossible)
They call him Dusty because everything he cooks turns to dust
when they handle raw meat and then proceed to touch everything in the kitchen, it causes me physical pain
that bacon at the start looked like a slab of asphalt that was withering away
4:02 nah but that lowk does look like dog vomit😭
You should do one of all his dark souls play throughs
i love your content bro 🫶 appreciate it, super helpful for working/studying
Pls do more Charlie embarrassing story times compilations there my fav⁉️🤠
Needing a pt 3 of creepy text nd also a alpha male comp lol
46:08 the Poughkeepsie Cakes
I literally sleep to Charlie every night specifically his cooking commentary 😭 Thank you for this
Kay thought Survivor was a cooking show.
Stresses me out anytime kay gets near the stove to cook
This is probably the best video idea you’ve had. I LOVED watching these clips in middle school
Funniest videos he’s ever made (in my opinion)😂😂
Honestly can’t wait for the car chase compilation
Kay makes the mince meat look like still water🥲
thank you
Got the notification 3 days late
everybody say THANK YOU BERLIN!!!!
Everything I think I'm poor or eating shitty food somewhere, I think to myself "at least I dont have to eat her food"
Deck the halls with bio-tech
Falalalala la la lala
OSHA's at my damn doorstep
Falalalala la la lala
Now they're knocking,
On my do-or,
Cause i used too much, fucking flour. 🎶🎶🎶
2:10 i fucking love kays cooking even though she cant cook
dude. i love u. UR SO GOATED
Nice vid bro
22:41 at the end of the day, we’re all pink in the middle 💯
1:32 i gasped at that beef jerky roof tile bacon
yo these are the best thanks bro
“it’s like watching an isis video for spaghetti” 😭