Russia Says Ukraine Attacked Its Territory In Kursk, Locals Film Footage Of Warplanes Overhead

Russia Says Ukraine Attacked Its Territory In Kursk, Locals Film Footage Of Warplanes Overhead
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Russia says Ukraine attacked Russia’s Kursk region as footage taken by residents shows warplanes overhead and fires on the ground. Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Kyiv of undertaking “another large-scale provocation.” Ukraine had yet to comment on Russian officials’ statements.

#ukrainewar #ukrainenews #ukrainerussiawar


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  1. YOU attacked Ukraine Putin in an attempt to remove a democratically elected government. You started this. Expect justice to come knocking on your door soon.

  2. What about russia invade ukraine stupid putin is a stupid i dont why russians are allow this man to make a trouble to other country russians are no fucking balls

  3. When you have to pull your army's that are invading other parts of Ukraine to fend off a Ukraine offensive you can't call it a provocation or terrorist attack.

  4. One thing that has always mystified me about the reporting on this war was the lack of measureable facts. How many jets, tanks, soldiers? Of what types? What are the casualties? How long are the front lines, what is the distance of the advances and retreats?
    Kiev is about 850 km (530 miles – ) from Moscow. Maybe we'll see the Ukrainian flag flying from the Kremlin when this is over.

  5. Rusyanın yerinde olsam Taktik Nükler Atarım Kiev bölgesine ABD ve Onun lanet ittifakının boyunun ölçüsünü alırdım Savaşı uzatıyor yayıyorlar dünya ekonomisine zarar veriyorlar

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