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Products I Use:
Digital Timer 2 pack Battery Backup https://amzn.to/3k1FEV2
MVB 100w https://amzn.to/3vJEZgx
MVB 160w https://amzn.to/2VKfRWF
CFL UVB https://amzn.to/2Gbl59u
DEEP Dome Fixture https://amzn.to/36b5eCP
T5HU UVB Tube 24in https://amzn.to/3pbiBul
SolarMeter UVB Tester https://amzn.to/30cGGW8
Heat Emitters:
150w https://amzn.to/2HtUtkE
100w https://amzn.to/3i5xpFx
75w https://amzn.to/2S1jTrM
50w https://amzn.to/307xKl1
8.5in Wide Dome https://amzn.to/2HB6TY9
5.5in Focus Dome https://amzn.to/36bozE0
Mini Emitters:
40w https://amzn.to/3mYeCjh
25w https://amzn.to/3kW1iKp
Thermostat https://amzn.to/366kjFM
Laser Temp Gun https://amzn.to/3czFKQI
Programmable Thermostat With Memory (to be used on timer) https://amzn.to/2HB7YPH
Humidstat https://amzn.to/2G9n2mS
Top Filling Fogger https://amzn.to/3mYX6eq
Mist King Cage Mister https://amzn.to/2RZXNWM
Supplements And Emergency Care:
Bee Pollen https://amzn.to/39CdqNk
Zoo Med Reptivite With Vitamin A https://amzn.to/3mYXREi
Rep-Cal Herptivite WithOUT Vitamin A https://amzn.to/36eyybw
Calcium Powder (Flukers) https://amzn.to/36ab9be
Repti-Aid Reptiles Over 250grams https://amzn.to/3cB8AQE
Repti-Aid Reptiles Under 250grams https://amzn.to/3mPnV4O
Fluker’s Repta+Boost Tube Feeding https://amzn.to/3j8AtCd
120pcs 1ML Syringe https://amzn.to/2HAlAe2
Zoo Med Reptile Shed Aid 3pack https://amzn.to/30aUW1R
Zilla Shed-Ease Reptile Bath https://amzn.to/2EFRu7O
Thanks for the guide, now I know what to do to get rid of these vermin!
Mine ate a goldfish i dropped when cleaning the fish tank and died
You can. But It's not advised, lol Commenting this after hearing the first two seconds
"You can kill your bearded dragon when giving them a bath." Yeah but why would you want to :/
There's always more to caring for animals than meets the eye. Even with dogs, a person who has never had them can make big mistakes.
That explains how my T-Rex choked on the air when he mewing and i gave him a sponge to eat but then he drowned
Oh thx that explains a lot !!! xD
You can but that does'nt mean that you should …..
T -T
You can always kill a beard dragon with Exodia, the forbidden one
So you cant make them laugh while drinking.
dont do it nooo :C
This method seems way too convoluted man. I mean, points for creativity, but I think I'll just stick a hammer.
thanks for the tutorial
Aww Phoenix here is such a spoiled lil Bearded Dragon hehe.. You can literally see him sleeping, like dozing off here while being in his bath and driving some water.. He's just enjoying his best ever life hehe, being treated like a king and having such loving and caring parent here, such that for him it's like being in paradise..
You can clearly see how he's so very comfortable here and very at ease, just enjoying the moments as they come.. 
Part of me is kind of glad that my beardie doesn’t understand water consumption cuz i had no idea about this til now. She’s drunk water from her bath maybe once in the 5 years i’ve had her. She just prefers getting water from her veggies and hornworms i guess.
Bro, my little brother’s bearded dragon looks exactly like yours, and its name is Phoenix except for my little brothers is very small
U screwed up the loop. And that is why- you can kill your bearded dragon while giving them a bath
So when am i supposed to pick him uo after he drinks?
As someone who doesn't have a bearded dragon. Thank you for this information.
The start of the video sounded like a tip …
When i was little i filled up my bathroom sink and threw my bearded dragon into it
One of many myths of owning a bearded dragon.
I've wondering how to drown them… and now I know. Thx.
This was very informative, I’ll keep that in mind for next time. (I don’t have a bearded dragon…)
So then/ how about a bath in a tub with like a rubber plug you can pull out when it’s done getting a bath? Instead of just picking them out- empty the tub and let them chill for a minute or two before you pick them up and out
You always look so pretty when doing these:o
This is in fact very true!
I never knew this, and I have one; I'm so thankful that I found this out and learning more about my scaly baby
My beardie does this with a cup, and I have to careful with her
2 seconds in. Uh duh just hold their heads underwater
This is amazing info!
Yo thanks for this vid bro. I wasn’t thinking of getting a bearded dragon, but if I did I would have most definitely killed it that way. So now if I do get a bearded dragon I know not to do that. Are there any other lizards that do the same thing? Like monitor lizards?
How many dragons died before knowing this
So the big ass water bowl they get can kill them too basically?
So do I just let him gulp as much as he wants?? I get scared he’s drinking too much
Should probably get to the point before you show the beardy drinking water
Flat out like a lizard drinking
Bro missed a perfect opportunity to loop this video.