Alcoholic Dies & Meets her Ancestors on the Other Side (Near-Death Experience)

Alcoholic Dies & Meets her Ancestors on the Other Side (Near-Death Experience)
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Louisa Peck shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring after suffering a cardiac arrest brought on by lidocaine poisoning while at a Manhattan nightclub in 1982. During her out of body experience, Louisa describes an encounter with her Ancestors and experiencing a transcendent love that she had been searching for her entire life. After being revived through CPR, Louisa shares her journey of making sense of her Near-Death Experience and how it changed the way she lives her life.

“God is the Energy that is Everywhere” – Louisa Peck

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  1. You told my story except the near death experience was different. I get that message you got… this is your last chance for me to help you. It gives me hope that you came to love as the end product. Also I've been trying to connect to my ancestors. The ones l met as a child and some l learned about from my mother. I got sober 40 years ago. I want to talk to the women in my family who came before me. I know the stories of two great grandmother's. I think they approve of my sobriety.

  2. I believe you for three things you said. I'm an NDE as well, bit different than yours but three things the same. One cradle, two I was pissed and three yes, everywhere. Thing I tell everyone is you are only allowed to bring your thoughts and memories, make them good ones. See you on the other side …

  3. Ive never had an NDE, but My mother passed three years ago from Covid. She smoked for 45 years and so if you remember the delta variant, it got to her quick. She was 58, I was 20. It was the worst time of my life… She was such a loving and caring mother. But she’s not gone. I get signs all the time 111,222,333,444,555,1111 when im home, up all night, at work… I will just look at the time and 80% of the time it will be any of those numbers. Birds have hit my car window when I cry because she died as im driving. (Then they’ll fly away unhurt as I look in the rearview). They are never gone, no matter how they died, or your belief system. I promise you.

  4. My beautiful daughter ended her life in 2016… she was only 21 but just couldn’t bare another day being here… I’m so glad she is home and safe. I cried so hard… just knowing… she is home. I miss you Nessi bear and can’t wait to hug you again one day… fly free baby girl … mama xx

  5. Sober 5 years! One day at a time. 12 step grpups saved my life. To those struggling with alcohol my heart goes out to you. To everyone seeing this, may all of your days shine brightly, and your nights blrssed with peace.

  6. This was so powerful, and this woman is hilarious! Her personality does not match her current appearance. I saw her as 22 through this whole thing, but a wiser 22. A few of the things she said hit me right in the chest. Not an accident that I saw this. And YES – God is LOVE. He's not a book or a building. He's everything.

  7. I see the subject line and have to say. All these people who say they died, went to the other side and back are full of delusions. You clearly had/have a particular brain state. There's no god, no other side.

  8. It is Saturday August 17th 2024 at 3.35 in the day. I just watched this woman tell her story. I too am an alcoholic who has struggled with this disease all my life and has tried to beat this disease and get right, with GOD. I have exactly one day of sobriety today and after listening to this women's story, I feel inspired to seek a life of GOD in sobriety. Thank you for your story. You have touched me.

  9. I really relate to your love of the clubs! There was no place like that in the day. I still have to drive by clubs that are triggers. I hope that you will know that you have helped me today. Thanks for believing that “God is everywhere “, which was the last statement that I made to my stepson before he overdosed at 33. Wonderful share!

  10. Gorgeous story. Thank you do much. I've migrated away from fundamentalist religion, for my own well-being, and I don't believe in the Christian version of "God". But everything you experienced makes total sense to me.

  11. In my mid 20s i went to the arthur findlay spiritualist college in Stanstead, in England, and met some wonderful friends and for the whole summer we sat in a circle every week. I have a very bad childhood and was in a deep depression. One of the men there was a healer, which i personally didnt really believe in, and one day we were in his garden having a lovely buffet tea all together, and he called me away from the table and sat me on a chair and crouched in front of me with his hands on my knees. Honestly i just felt awkward, but didnt want to be rude. Suddenly he said no this isnt working, got up and went behind me and put his hands on my shoulders; immediately my head fell forward but i was rushing upwards at great speed. I was about 2 houses high. I was very aware of them below me, the neighbour mowing his grass, but it was irrelevant, my head was up and all i could see was the most beautiful colours like a sunset of oranges, and the most overwhelming feeling of love which i have never ever felt before. In the distance i could see a group of 'people' who didnt come any nearer but they were there for me and the overwhelming love was .. im actually unable to describe it. Absolute. I was aware i couldnt go forward and almost felt tethered to myself sitting on the chair, I was not conscious of any memories, i was just done with being me and was totally at peace with being there.i felt like i had returned home. I just stared and felt the love. I was aware one of the women at the table below said, shes gone very deep youd better bring her back. I was aware the man got up to come back over to me and that i didnt have a choice. When i 'woke' my head was down on my chest, slobber and all haha and i felt groggy like id been deeply asleep. I told the lady of the colours and the love and she said they showed me what i needed to see. After that my depression was lifted and i moved on with my life.
    I have told my kids this story when they grew but not other people because they look at you like you need the grippy sock. Finding validation from other people is huge. I dont like it when drs say its just a dream. How would he have been able to knock me asleep just touching me, and if i was asleep, how would i have heard them all talking and seen the neighbour mowing?

  12. Jesus was a lie. Been to Cancun and it full of folks called Jesus this and Jesus that. Can they be related???? Doubt it. If his pops still omnipotent, my next bowel movement will be a Portuguese man O'War!!!!! Religious movements are invented by more intelligent humans that the humans that finance them

  13. * You’re close to the truth but you don’t quite get it!

    There is only one way to Heaven and that is through the Son of God, Jesus who died for mankind’s sin. Your best day at being a good person will not give you eternal life. For all have sinned. We are saved by Grace through Faith. John 3:16 put your trust in what Jesus did for you on the cross. His precious blood was shed on the cross for you.
    * John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    * Secondly, God is not in material things, like trees or rocks, or animals, the way you imply. But, He created them, the trees and animals, all the living to produce after their kind. Gen 1-4. God is living and eternal, he doesn’t die off like a tree or a sheep that will return to the ground, God is an eternal being.
    * 1 Kings 8:27: God is so large that the universe cannot contain him. 

 Acts 17:24-28: God is the Lord of heaven and earth, and he does not live in temples made by humans. He also cannot be worshipped by human hands because he gives life and breath to all, and he made all nations of men.

Acts 17:25: God cannot be contained in a temple made by humans, and he cannot be represented by idols made of gold, silver, and stone because he gives humans life and movement. 

  14. The Bible is God‘s word from Genesis to revelation, and he reveals all of these truths to us. He sent his son Jesus to die for us and to show us what God‘s love is all about and before he left this earth, he left us the Holy Spirit that dwell within us as the temple because our bodies are the temple of God and the Holy Spirit helps us and guide us and lead us to all truth so that we will believe and live eternally with him in heaven with all of our ancestors ❤🙏

  15. I was also like you in that i always felt socially ackward and i realized when i got drunk i got that confidence i never got othrwise from any ofher source. I thought "this is the way i'm supposed to feel all the time". How ironic that wad starts out as something to help us be social ends up isolating us and keeping us tracked and stuck for life.

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