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About the Author: Metro Newspaper UK


  1. This is so sad and crazy to me, with drowning as it always happens when panicking.. if only they stopped panicking and did a few deep breaths ….hold… slowly breath out.. etc they would calm down and float, its all in the breathing, your lungs guys! remember, air filled lungs give you alot of bounce in the water and will help you to not drown! When you panic, you are rapid breathing with short fast breathing, hardly any air stays in the lungs long enough to create floating, calm deep slow breathing is key!. please guys please respect the water and learn to swim or atleast tread water and do some breathing exercises to be able to float and bob when needed in these situations.. man this is sad and totally could of been avoided 🙁 think of your lungs as two filled up ballons of air, that can help keep you a float, you just need to calm calm calm…. 🙁 when you are next in a safe pool, practice, big deep breath hold it and then float on your back, then just breath nice and calm whilst floating, practice this!

  2. In survival mode let the person who can’t swim drag you down and you go deep and dive away from them and come back up they only are grabbing you because your a floaty stop floating ..😂

  3. Looks like the one who can’t swim grabbed his friend and that friend in turn grabbed the 3rd guy pulling eachother fighting for the top of that was a sheer drop quarry type deal like 70+ feet struggle all the way down

  4. I don't get this … I don't know how to swim and yet went into the water many times over the years and never drown. How did they?? Did they splash too much? What?

  5. Oh man that is such a pathetic and absurd way to die. And accidentally filming it. 🤦‍♂️
    Life can be so heartlessly dumb.

  6. The story behind this:

    Yes, it's real. This happened in India. These three were biking through a forest when they happened by this pond. Despite none of them being good swimmers, they decided to go in because they assumed the water was shallow. Once they did, they panicked when they realized how deep it was, and started climbing on top of one another in an attempt to stay above the surface. Within a few minutes, they had all drowned.

  7. To all those watching, bring your feet up, lie on your back, with your hips up, and your chest up. And try and keep your lungs full of air.

  8. and this is why i check how deep the water is even when i know how to swim, and i still dont act like the perfect swimmer of the all time like a lot of ppl does

  9. How do you know they didn't know how to swim? it looks like something is pulling them underwater and they are trying to get away from it. People who don't know how to swim are afraid of deep water and they will not get in the water if they didn't know how to swim. 0:20 that man almost made it out of the water but something pulled him underwater.😥

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