the luckiest people compilation part 19

the luckiest people compilation part 19
Spread The Viralist

Lucky people. It’s a video compilation of some incredible lucky people (in HD). There are car, aircraft train and other categories. Some of them were so near to the death but they still alive with little or without injuries. Some of them are skills. Watch it, enjoy it.


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About the Author: Mister73C


  1. Halo, saya Salsabila dari Tim Creative Biar Viral NET TV. Memohon izin untuk menggunakan video ini untuk tayangan program Biar Viral. Nanti untuk source nama youtube dan link akan dicantumkan didalam program. Saya tunggu feedbacknya ya, terima kasih sebelumnya

  2. I hate these idiots being concerned about kittens when there was a clip of a guy nearly getting decapitated by on water "car transport" . Gosh. What a fucked up community youtube has…

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