If you needed to get right with your husband, then i believe that is part of getting right with God. Marriage is holy in Gods eyes. Just because we're saved doesn't mean we're not constantly being sanctified to God. ❤ God bless you glad you're still with us.
God of TB Joshua have mercy on me
Very beautiful. Indeed at those times of our very vitality, impressively principal significances must need be. Expressly being instructed by His Spirit of Truth. It is at that convergence that we follow Him as He wills our very spirit. ❤ 🙌👑🙌
I'm glad you're ok but "getting right" means different things to different religions, and even non religious. I was in a severe motorcycle accident 15 years ago, and the entire time my brain was swelling and was lying with my broken body awaiting life flight to trauma center, only remember 1 female voice who was almost angelic and had a glow about her, he was beautiful, and he voice was so very calming to me and telling me I'm surrounded with light and love. Then told me it's not my time, and I have to care for my sons (i was not with family and was not even in my own town. nobody knew me). I remember nothing of the accident except I had zero pain at all until i awoke in icu days later. I was released from the trauma center almost a month later my lawyer obtain the accident report and statements from witness and those police and medical personnel on scene l male. Even the truck driver who my date (the motorcyclist) was in the tbone accident with was a male. Not a single person was a woman, and don't know at all who the beautiful woman with the soothing voice was, yet she and her voice stayed by my side from impact, just comforting and enveloping my whole body with her soothing voice, until i awoke a a couple weeks later. I never heard or saw her again after waking. I'm a full on atheist, no heaven no hell, no God no devil. I believe in no religion or possibility of a deity that is all knowing. I don't believe religious belief religious laws play any part in what occurs after death. we are welcome to have those beliefs no matter how different, but should never push them on others at all by judging their lack of blind belief. For my as long as you're a good person, and if one believes there in a god or holy spirit that's ok. A kind, forgiving, and loving God don't care if you believe he exists or not, if you told a lie, or hurt ones feelings, if you fornicated, or was impregnated before marriage, even if you raised your voice to your parents as a teen or stole that pack is diapers! All that matters is that you were decent and empathetic, and cared for other living beings, and respected others within your lifetime. Belief, confession, repentance to God shouldn't be used as a threat in order to pass on peacefully! Especially to a an unknown until you past. For all we know our souls just roam our through time and space. Be a good person and you'll be at peace no God belief necessary!
Religion is a lie.
🤔🤔Excuse my having to ask you this and im glad your ok . When God says in the Bible , “If you bring a sacrifice unto Me to lay on the Alter yet have offended thy brother , lay down your sacrifice and go make things right with the brother , then i will accept your sacrifice .” Yet you knew if all those hurtful times with your husband as you told of asking forgiveness to him before your death. You proceed to say you didnt need to get right with God . Are you certain ?? You are very fortunate to have lived to ponder these questions because Jesus is our sacrifice yet he forgives all if we forgive and ask forgiveness of trespasses if we accept him as our Lord and Savior. Sounds arrogant to me or maybe misinformed but im not the one to convince .
If you needed to get right with your husband, then i believe that is part of getting right with God. Marriage is holy in Gods eyes. Just because we're saved doesn't mean we're not constantly being sanctified to God. ❤ God bless you glad you're still with us.
God of TB Joshua have mercy on me
Very beautiful. Indeed at those times of our very vitality, impressively principal significances must need be. Expressly being instructed by His Spirit of Truth. It is at that convergence that we follow Him as He wills our very spirit. ❤ 🙌👑🙌
I'm glad you're ok but "getting right" means different things to different religions, and even non religious. I was in a severe motorcycle accident 15 years ago, and the entire time my brain was swelling and was lying with my broken body awaiting life flight to trauma center, only remember 1 female voice who was almost angelic and had a glow about her, he was beautiful, and he voice was so very calming to me and telling me I'm surrounded with light and love. Then told me it's not my time, and I have to care for my sons (i was not with family and was not even in my own town. nobody knew me). I remember nothing of the accident except I had zero pain at all until i awoke in icu days later. I was released from the trauma center almost a month later my lawyer obtain the accident report and statements from witness and those police and medical personnel on scene l male. Even the truck driver who my date (the motorcyclist) was in the tbone accident with was a male. Not a single person was a woman, and don't know at all who the beautiful woman with the soothing voice was, yet she and her voice stayed by my side from impact, just comforting and enveloping my whole body with her soothing voice, until i awoke a a couple weeks later. I never heard or saw her again after waking. I'm a full on atheist, no heaven no hell, no God no devil. I believe in no religion or possibility of a deity that is all knowing. I don't believe religious belief religious laws play any part in what occurs after death. we are welcome to have those beliefs no matter how different, but should never push them on others at all by judging their lack of blind belief. For my as long as you're a good person, and if one believes there in a god or holy spirit that's ok. A kind, forgiving, and loving God don't care if you believe he exists or not, if you told a lie, or hurt ones feelings, if you fornicated, or was impregnated before marriage, even if you raised your voice to your parents as a teen or stole that pack is diapers! All that matters is that you were decent and empathetic, and cared for other living beings, and respected others within your lifetime. Belief, confession, repentance to God shouldn't be used as a threat in order to pass on peacefully! Especially to a an unknown until you past. For all we know our souls just roam our through time and space. Be a good person and you'll be at peace no God belief necessary!
Religion is a lie.
🤔🤔Excuse my having to ask you this and im glad your ok . When God says in the Bible , “If you bring a sacrifice unto Me to lay on the Alter yet have offended thy brother , lay down your sacrifice and go make things right with the brother , then i will accept your sacrifice .” Yet you knew if all those hurtful times with your husband as you told of asking forgiveness to him before your death. You proceed to say you didnt need to get right with God . Are you certain ?? You are very fortunate to have lived to ponder these questions because Jesus is our sacrifice yet he forgives all if we forgive and ask forgiveness of trespasses if we accept him as our Lord and Savior. Sounds arrogant to me or maybe misinformed but im not the one to convince .