Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
If you would like for me to narrate your personal NDE, feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com
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For more NDE narrations, please see below.
NDE Playlist:
I Died And Was Given Three Reasons To Return | Leigh’s NDE
I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE
#nde #neardeathexperience #afterlife #heaven #nde2021#heavenawaits
Bless you for sharing your experience I am truly grateful, love & peace always! ❤
I'm sorry but I found the background music distracting, can you please lower the volume on it or go back to the old background music? I love listening to your narrations but this new music is just too loud. Thanks ❤
This is one of my very favorite ones! I would love to know how old she is during each of these NDEs. I'm assuming it's a she as that's how I picture her.
Background music is too loud and distracting. I have to use a lot of energy to focus on just the speech and drown out the music.
The background music is distracting
Thank you for sharing this Lee! This is what I have been taught all alone in my life in the church I go to. These things are not a secret. We already know all about much of these things that are discussed. These things are true and the reason why he did not get to see the face of Jesus Christ is because of his unwillingness to get to know Christ and God the Father the first time. Those who commit suicide normally do not get to visit with the Lord but he was knowledgeable enough to call on the Lord before it was too late he was almost sucked into hell where the ungodly go especially those ones that do not believe in the only Savior and God that hung on the cross for you and I. Only to save us if we will only believe and follow the teachings of Christ. The reason why most people lose out on a wonderful life is because they don't ask God for the things they need in life and repentance is a key to have the windows of Heaven open to you if you will just ask and believe.
Our heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you 🙏 ask for Jesus Christ when you are scared 😮 Jesus saves we must have love with one another and patience
You are my Child and I love you ❤
Goosebumps! Wonderful narration Leigh! Saving this to my HA/AH file!
Big hugs everyone! ~Christy
This account reminds me that I need to reach out more, not just for my sake, but for the person on the receiving end!
Once again, thank you Leigh for bringing this NDE to us!
Can anyone tell me what ‘descendants of God’s original energy, that God is drawing back into Himself” means ? It’s placed after the mention of those good enough to easily get into Heaven, so seems to imply a different group. Has anyone ever heard of this
I was addicted to hard drugs for more than 12 years. I basically used it every day. This coming September I'll be clean for 3 years. Jesus helped me. Thank you Jesus and thank you to my wonderful parents (E&B) for all your prayers. I could finally kick that bad habit and I am so grateful every single day that I could also do so one year before my father passed away. Thank you Jesus🙏❤️🌹
Really fascinating experience. I gotta say, especially with experiences like this where people encounter negative beings, I always wonder, who and what exactly are these beings? Where did they come from and why do they exist? Are they reflections of our own selves, are they actual separate entities, are they illusions that are put there to guide us and teach us a sort of lesson?
I suppose these are the deep mysteries, the questions around ultimate reality that perhaps no one can truly answer (if there even is one answer!). Regardless, this was indeed quite fascinating to listen to.
Was this written for me? I have cried through listening to this. God said I love you and you are my child ! Those words resonated so deep
Praise Jesus!
My passion is studying NDE’s . This one hits many nails on the head . I tell people that in simple terms that NDE’s add color to the Bible.
Good job bringing these to us !
Love is absolutely the way of life .
This was an intense one, it brings me tears of joy. Thanks for sharing this one
So powerful. I saw this video go up yesterday. I normally watch before I go to bed. But I was so exhausted last night I didn't. Now I wish I had thank you for sharing this with us. ✝️🤗🥰
I always wondered why people commit suicide if God doesn't give us more than we can handle. On the other hand, however, why did He intervene in this person's suicide attempt yet He lets so many other people in the World kill themselves every day.
Don't get me wrong. I do believe in God,, I just find it difficult to understand Him.
This one was awesome! Not the suicide part of course but the meeting and meaning. Thank you! God bless!!💪❤️
goodness doesn't get you into Heaven. only having Jesus does.
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