100 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

100 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation
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100 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained | compilation. 100 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained compilation.

Unsolved mysteries interests many of us, and it appears that the more we uncover, the less we know about the nature of our world. It seems like more and more mysterious events surface from all around that are more than just impossible to explain, they completely defy what we know to be possible within the realms of physics and science.

So today, here at unexplained mysteries, we take a look at these 100 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


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About the Author: Unexplained Mysteries


  1. I'm pretty sure 3, 6 and 9 are numbers that show up frequently in the bible in relation to God's work and therefore Jesus too. Like how he died on the cross and resurrected 3 days later, the trinity etc.

  2. "Wait, I only have an hour and a half material for my new upload, but what if I repete everything I say, I'll have 3 hours, wait I'll just say everything 3 times, that'll make 4,5 hours, Yeah ! And people who watched my work before, will have seen everything, atleast 5 times, which will finalise all, as really truthfull, lol." 😭😭😭😂😂😂

  3. The woman in hotle room ,this is perfect crime ,looks like she has been deceived and the name of that bugus company is evidence also she tried the number was given but they say she dialed wrongly ,window and the guset under that room is the answer

  4. Wow. All eyes. First of all that's not even a picture of Amy. Second of all she died of natural causes or cancer rather. There was no secrecy there was no conspiracy and she wasn't working on anti-gravity. Man the internet's crazy.

  5. Don't make waves, everyone knows how easy it is to come up missing or worse by individuals trying to maintain power. If our United States government says it's a threat to our national security then there must be a damn good reason why they aren't saying anything. As much as we all like disclosure on a large scale there are still a sizeable portion of our population that won't be able to handle that information. And if people start to question the governments ability to protect them from extraterrestrials then it will start a panic. It's easier just to go with the flow

  6. So grateful for another awesome compilation! Your videos are very well put together & always have some mysteries I haven’t seen before. Keep up the great work & thank you.

  7. One thing that slips the minds of sci fi and ufo specularors and skeptics is we are already moving and turning thousands of miles an hour a second . If you push space away from you to not swapped in the current babd move ar own directions. Even not moving would be moving sense everything else is moving . The key faster then light destination reaching. Is right there in Relativity RELATIVE .
    Travel against the galactic rotation and pull on space time . At light speed even if desired planet you want get is closer moving we with the flow of space time you'd get their from out side prospective in literally no time flying at the speed of light against galactic rotation and natural Flow of space time

  8. Insulin actually isn't to expensive to get . Dlugs have pancreases . After social collapse we can still go back to the old fashion way of harvesting insulin from animals we eat

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