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#FailArmy #Fails
I don't understand how society doesn't collapse.
I wish I had thought to subtitle myself with "No one was harmed" when I tore my ACL. Would have saved me a lot of physical therapy!
Pregnant man is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
100% chance girl in video at beginning owns a bad dragon
8:25 The iguana and the monkey were working together for that one
How are there still any humans left on this planet?
5:17 they where definitely in it together 🤣
😂😂😂 4:14 his dead
Many individuals were more than likely severely injured during the filming of this compilation.
This guy who fell down the stairs is not funny at all and yet I laughed.
It was all you 😂
I love how it says no one was harmed, while people flying out windows
little monkeys are the worst
6:04 This is an effective man. He gave up and regained faith 3 times in a row without even moving a finger, then immediately accepted the outcome and started to look back at it as a funny story. All in a matter of a few seconds! This guy probably found a girlfriend, had a child, proposed, got cheated on, separated and got over it all in just one night out.
5:29 Will he drink that much next time?🤪
I think the monkey and the lizard were working together
05:37 UFO sigheted
5:48 🤣🤣🤣
5:29 Tell me you’re drunk without telling me you’re drunk. 9:53 How my dad became my mom in one fell swoop. 😂
That one guy taught his dog to do a cup check when he blows in that tube. Pretty impressive.
Great job on the video! It was very impressive.
5:56 Clones playing football.
Bro fell off the ladder at 1:14
The man who’s belly flipped up made me and my classmates laugh so hard!😆😆 it looked like he was pregnant!
Who tries not to laugh? And why?
that dude got 9 months pregnant in one fall. @4:05
4:41 this one is really epic 😂
Your video was brilliant. I enjoyed it a lot!