Blind Dog Needs To Be Adopted With His Son | The Dodo

Blind Dog Needs To Be Adopted With His Son | The Dodo
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Help these bonded dogs find a home together!

This father and son were found starving in the rain. They’ve come out of their shells in foster care and now, it’s time for them to get a second chance at the good life. Together 💕

Visit @blinddogrescuealliance123 to learn about adopting them


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. Its very good to keep any animal they love together, if separated it could cause depression and not eating nor playfulness its very important to keep certain animals together!

  2. I’ll take them. Both of them. I live in a 3 bedroom home and they will be inside for the most part. I can get pet insurance and I work only 6-8 hours a day for 5 days a week.

  3. Please don’t let these dogs be separated. They don’t be able to be happy. These poor Angels need a very good responsible loving home, they will be heartbroken if are separated! They need to find a great forever loving home please😢😢😢❤️❤️

  4. I think what you guys are doing is amazing I was just forced to give my dog into a Foster and we were scheduled to take him back after we moved into our new house and he was hit by a car 7 hours later back broken and six places and my family has not been the same since I'm starting to cry just talking about it anyways God bless you guys for everything you do for these animals

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