In today’s video, my friend and I found an abandoned pet store in Miami Florida! There was tons of rundown ponds filled with koi, goldfish, and other exotic fish! And inside the abandoned building was several fish tanks filled with pladys, angel fish, tetras, and goldfish. So I decided to buy them all and save them!
Brandon’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JunoBrandon
Dakotah’s channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCVQSiGR7zB_aue09cxdJG7w
⏹Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bassfishingproductions/
⏹TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bassfishingproductions?enter_from=pc&source=h5_m
⏹Business email: bassfishermanguy@gmail.com
Rats everywhere ✅
Had to net the fish myself ✅
Had to pay $5 for swordtails ✅
This is giving Medusa😂
Can u pet the rabbit because is so cute😊
I under.
Stand you are a fish channel. But how come you did not get that poor little Bunny? It looked. Like a good I've just been a escaped Bunny.I would have love to see you.Bring a little fuzzy bunny home
Definitely a money laundering scheme.
Go again please
get a red tale cat fish and baby
This is horrible these poor fish 🐠 I hope they hav an amazing life ❤ it’s just so cruel poor fish 🐟 I hope the people who left these fish pay for this this is animal cruelty is so disgusting and cruel as a bunny lover I am saying his because I love all animals except crocodiles but um I rlly do appreciate u doing this some people don’t even do this so with that being said I am thanking u ❤❤❤😊😊😊 Ty!!!!! For ur rescues u do and pet keeping keep it up ❤❤❤❤(: 💕 make sure no animal abuse!!!!! 😢 Ty again 😊❤
5:17 the catfish pulled up and was like sup boiss😂😂
I wish i had ponds.
Yoooo, I have a fishtank for you do a new video buy my Place
I thought you only had fish not a dog
You should get the bunny
49K LIKES hey im sorry man deals a deal BUY THE OSTRAGE 💜
I love how you save fish ❤ your save alllll the fish 🎉
The fish be like:I’m still standing😂
I would just keep the bunny dog and EMU fr plus Im getting Some cat fish lol and Maybe birds
You don't need to filtration my fish survive a year
Hi my name is Madyson I whach your show a lot I would love if you named a red tail catfish after me.
Hi, my name is Madison. I am nine years old. I got your show a lot. I would love if you need a red catfish off after me.
You could've got the red tail