In Speed McQueen’s previous livestream his carpet gets on fire without him noticing and almost got his whole house burned down. 🥶
If he didn’t notice it later on his whole house would have been destroyed by now and he would have been homeless 🧢.
Credits: @SpeedMcqueen_1
The Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/live/eXmByClClmk?si=-CZVbkAjW7h51VB7
Ma fellas, I’ve just finished an edit on after effects, could you maybe comment on it saying what I should do next?
"Oh sh/×" famus last words
Bro relatable
They were to busy telling him brain rot for him to notice the fire
How it feels to watch his content
1:12 realisation:
1:09 what the (seal in French) is that smell? 👃 OH (shat) OH (shat)
He cooked the wrong thing💀
That’s why he is speed McQueen
bro accidentally started summoning satan without realizing it
bro lives ina log cabin
He's right behind me isnt he ahh clip
1:08 "what the fuck is that smell?" looks behind "OH SHI- " got me dirty like real hard 😭
Xbox x
Bro was truly sweating in that game 💀
Chat: does not care this shows alot
How does his carpet catch on fire tho?
‘Oil up’🗣️💀💀💀💀💀
totally real reaction bro