SCP-478 – Tooth Fairies (Compilation)

SCP-478 - Tooth Fairies (Compilation)
Spread The Viralist

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00:00 SCP-478 – Tooth Fairies
19:38 SCP-2450 – TEETH
39:12 SCP-611 – Parasitic Toothpick
59:07 SCP-3827 – The Dental Community Theater
01:18:10 SCP-5150 – Anomalous Dental Office
01:37:03 The Grinner – SCP-4910
01:45:21 SCP-1200 Tastes Like Chewing Gum
02:05:48 SCP-839 Candied Worms
02:19:02 You Are What You Eat (SCP-2057)
02:37:55 SCP-913 Mr Hungry
02:55:51 SCP-2535 – Printers That Eat and Eaters That Print
03:18:07 SCP-153 Drain Worms
03:28:25 SCP-5126 – Eat Your Mattress
03:48:11 SCP-031 North Korea Hotel

Watch ALL of DrBob’s videos including SCP 150 The Body Stealing Parasite and SCP 3700 Tides of War here:

This video, being derived from and is released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0.

Narrated by Joe Cliff Thompson
#drbob #scp #animation


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About the Author: Dr Bob


  1. I glad that Dr Bob knows what respect is! Two moms loving their own son and thank Dr Bob to show how you are a great friend to follow and enjoy the shows you do! 5 Stars ❤❤❤❤❤

  2. There's no such thing as a one-off "Rabies" shot. I know from experience that if you are bitten by a supposedly rabid animal you are given a series of shots over 5 weeks. And it's not just a few shots either. When I had it happen to me I ended up having 51 shots total over the 5 weeks, all over my abdomen, my side, and my butt

  3. At this point I genuinely feel like I'm a researcher for the SCP foundation. I know I'm not, but the amount of brainspace each has taken up might as well be considered educated in it. At what point in case file reading, auditory assistance, visual aids… how many hours before youre a master of it, regardless of it existing?

    Sidenote: we all better hope dogma isn't pragmatic, and we don't make SCP exist by thinkin about it as a collective too much. Just, a thought.

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