NOW Available in all formats! The Beings Book, co-authored with NDI

NOW Available in all formats! The Beings Book, co-authored with NDI
Spread The Viralist

The Beings Book, co-authored with NDI & many amazing Lightworkers

A Compilation of Personal Experiences with Extra-Dimensional Beings. 📕NOW Available in all formats!
This is a collaboration book with Near Death Institute and many amazing Lightworkers.

Get ready to explore the unknown with this collection of stories from people who have encountered extra-dimensional beings and ETs.

Each chapter in this fascinating book shares a personal account that challenges what we think we know about reality. From incredible visions to deep encounters with beings from other realms, these stories make us question our understanding of the universe.

Chapter 7 is about my experiences with the Blue Avians/Kir, and is my contribution to this wonderful book.


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