Blue Whale vs Orca | Underwater Fight Club [S1] | Animal Animation

Blue Whale vs Orca | Underwater Fight Club [S1] | Animal Animation
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Blue Whale meet Orca in the sea. Fights are inevitable. Who will win in this fight ? Let’s find out with us in this video.

Featuring Animals:
– Blue Whale
– Orca

– Joel Strudler – Big Problems

Inspired by: QoQo Animation


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About the Author: Admin


  1. Bad video 😡
    Stop making prehistoric animal runaway like that (those are not related modern animal)

    Stop making runaway like that in every video!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡

  2. Orca are prehistoric animal
    Orcas don't live in modern world
    Use google search "orca are prehistoric animal" those are not related animal

    Only in prehistoric animal world (orcas don't roam and enter the modern world)

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