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About the Author: World of Warcraft


  1. “They built the vision of ‘Dragonflight’” – this is why we need Metzen to just take charge and tell them what’s what. “Democratize this” – and he just rolls out ideas 10x better than anything they got.

  2. This won't change anything. What will save the game is bringing back awesome male characters in game. Get rid of DEI. Sadly most WoW players are old now, full of estrogen and take anything they can get.

  3. Two white men walking on eggshells and trying to get all the buzzwords out to make sure they are not being yeeted in the next few years.

    Please point to the person threatening you behind the camera.

  4. It's unfortunate to hear him discuss having exciting ideas, only to then have to run them by the existing writers' and artists' committee to ensure everything aligns with their vision. It seems like he's trying to respect their input while also attempting to repair and improve what was originally created. While it's great to see him back in charge, it's a bit disheartening that he still has to navigate around those who contributed to the current state of the story and weird feeling of the game.

  5. We wanna do this, we wanna do that and its the 20 year anniversary so we wanna bring old characters back this and that! yep 80% will get cut out due to time and budget cuts. We've seen this all before.

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