Warning: some viewers may find Deadpool as a skeleton with muscles and blood slightly gruesome so please use caution when watching this video (not reccomended for persons under 17) unless it doesn’t bother you younger viewers. So was playing the Deadpool video game yesterday and got all the game over screens on video to show my Mom but tonight I was killing him just for fun by jumping off a ledge into water without teleporting in the level where you have to race the X-Men and the foundation begins to crumble and I noticed that when he fell he was so f**ked up he was nothing but a bag of bones and muscle not sure if it was a glitch or if it just happens sometimes but either way I compiled them all together in one video starting normal, then torn up, all the way to nothing but bones and muscle I call it “How Much Can You F**k Up Deadpool?” Enjoy and be sure to like, comment, and/or subscribe.
OK so to those wondering how TF this was accomplished, I couldn't tell ya exactly how. I just kept jumping off the crumbling foundation in Road to Victory, and all-of-a-sudden he looked LIKE THAT!!! Had to be a texture glitch or something, because it hasn't happened again to this day.
Imagine if he was just a skeleton at the end.
I was happy as hell wen my uncle let me have dis game we both had xboxs and would play games like army of 2 together times move fast but also slow
So the last one is basically after you face fuck a topographical map of Utah.
He definitely looks like Freddy Krueger, Face fuck the topographical map of Utah

Looks like a Fallout ghoul
did you enjoy the deadpool movies?
Lmao I love the Lady Death reference. "Hey babe, what're YOU doing here? Wait I'm what?" Since he's fucked lady death before
audio made me think the sound was from my monitor lmao
HUh that's crazy cuz I played the whole game (on disc) a few months ago, and he always looked the same (with costume, no gore). Wonder if they patched that out later on.
Bro looks like a stray from ultrakill
he was getting pegged and skull emoji
"Ouch, Dipshit." Hahahahahahha caught me completely off gaurd.
Deadpool never die

Bro look like ghost rider
He looks like the inside of an arse hole barfed up a dead carcass
He looks like Johnny
I'm impressed how this game and Wolverine really worked on how much you can f*ck up Logan and Wade
Nolan north was so good as deadpool, i wish they had him for ultimate spiderman instead of the guy they got, they made him seem like a little kid
Bro looks like certain character in Deadpool and Wolverine
Looks like he walked straight out of MK9
He looks like the tarman in the second half.
Ouch dipshit
How Video game crepypastas began back in the day:
How did you get him so fucked up I've never managed to get him that bad
When Mojang bans your custom skin in Minecraft (your skin will be removed):
Wow I actually remember seeing this vid 5 years ago didn’t think to much of it now it’s back again lol
“I’m ok I swear!”
What I look like:
How do you fuck him up?
Deadpool Regeneration in this game is satisfactory
Jesus, it's a wonderful game XD
poor guy lol
With the success of the new Deadpool movie hopefully some miracles happens and this game becomes legally available to buy again
Bros got the Johnny storm treatment
Would've been really cool to see this variant of Deadpool in D&W.
This is a parpdy of batman's death screens
Ouch! Dip
Poor deadpool
Devs missed a huge opportunity to make a reference to Robbie Williams’s Rock DJ music video