Rescue Golden Was Unable To Stand Up | The Dodo

Rescue Golden Was Unable To Stand Up | The Dodo
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Rescue golden went from not being able to stand up, to now walking a full mile with her favorite human!

Annika shows us Frannie’s ultimate fit girl routine, which includes a lot of tennis balls and encouragement! 🎾💗

Learn more about @frannies.fight and @rovers_retreat on Instagram!


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. I saw a video of a family giving their CAT DONUTS. The other day. It made me so mad. These animals rely on us to keep them healthy!
    Annika did such a good job encouraging this puppy. She even looks happier being able to move around with out someone holding her up. ❤

  2. I know that it’s not feasible for most pet owners but swimming to lose weight is so valuable!! She can be in a sling and use her legs without causing undue stress on her joints. That being said, it can be hard to find a good rehab center and I’m sure they’re awfully pricey but in an extreme case like this, it might be a good option.

  3. To all the comments trash talking whoever let Franny get this big… the #1 most common answer is elderly people, often with dementia. They are often unable to walk their animals because they can barely walk themselves, and sometimes feed more than necessary because they forget and can’t bear the thought of their pup going hungry. Instead of criticizing, you can try to help. Seek out your community and see if there are elderly people that need their dogs walked. If you have any neighbors or relatives that are receptive to advice suggest they get an automatic feeder and remind them that dogs love vegetable and that baby carrots, green beans and frozen peas make great dog treats. I work at a vet clinic and see this all the time, people respond to positive encouragement much better than they do to criticism

  4. I think of poor dogs like this when ever I see fools praising 'chonky bois" like it's a good thing. It reduces an animals lifespan and quality of life. Bless people who rehabilitate them.

  5. For anyone who finds this comment: please never let your dog get this big, and also don't attach leashes to collars. (Use a harness as to not choke the dog)

  6. I wish owners understood that obesity in pets, is abuse! You are taking years of your animal's life, predisposing them to health issues, and decreasing their quality of life.

  7. Don’t. Get. A. Dog. If. You’re. Not. Gonna. Walk. It.

    Obviously Frannie got that way from being overfed too, but you know whoever had her before also never had any interest in walking her.

  8. There is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for letting your dog get this size. NONE

    Allot of people are saying some elderly people "cant help but overfeed out of love"… THAT IS WILD. this dog needs assistance standing… let alone peeing and pooping. Your going to tell me an elderly person is capable of holding this dog up to do its business?
    If it is an elderly person.. they are probably having this dog sit in its own feces while throwing junk food human scraps or excessive kibble. That is insane behavior.

  9. Looks like a little hip dysplasia from all that weight. I'm sure you have her on carprofen or some such supplement to ease the inflammation. Glad you had the time for her regimen ❤❤❤❤

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