Email me yt.haristv@gmail.com for any requests for removal of videos.
The Story of a Loyal Dog Rescue #animals #rescue #recovery #shortvideo #shorts
Email me yt.haristv@gmail.com for any requests for removal of videos.
The Story of a Loyal Dog Rescue #animals #rescue #recovery #shortvideo #shorts
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I though he was trying to kill him 😭😭😭
Τουλάχιστον έχει προλάβει νά σώσει τό καιμενο Πρέπει κάτι νά υπάρχει εκεί πού όι άλλοι δύο έχουν φοβηθεί εγώ νομίζω πρέπει να κοιτάξουν γιατί τή υπάρχει εκεί
Good job
Whew! Saved him!
Boang ka!!!! Ayaw abusuhi kabalo ka loyal n sila
Exsocrent thanks he sefe salyef countro l😊iyle thanksgiving expression better ticture
Excellent job!!!!!🎉
The owner is a idiot.
Hrát si je krásný ale všeho moc škodí 😢
The owner became villain and hero at the same time
Oh mercy😢! So glad you were able to save him.❤