Elizabeth Warren fights back tears at DNC during a minutes-long standing ovation

Elizabeth Warren fights back tears at DNC during a minutes-long standing ovation
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts became the second and last woman to run against Harris in 2020. Now she’s at the convention that is nominating her. She was welcomed with a standing ovation and minutes-long cheers from the crowd while openly fighting back tears.

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  1. Kamala wants communism we ll have depression big corporations aint gonna take more taxes unless you want layoffs shortsges etc welcome anerica to the 1980s russia and china you ready for food lines then in otd harris she doesnt know evonomics 101

  2. Regardless of the video subject matter, I just had to unlike my like, once I saw, that this is a FOX channel. I WILL NEVER EVER SUPPORT THIS NETWORK OF DARKNESS! NEVER! After the lies, deceit and insane propaganda that Fox "News" has promoted to poison the minds of an entire swath of humanity to its dark end, no one of good character & spirit should ever reward such despicable, dark & wicked ways with the tiniest BIT of support! Not the tiniest BIT! I'm out. Good day. DOWN WITH FOX! DOWN WITH TRUMP AND DOWN WITH THE RED DEVIL ~👹~ REPUBLICAN PARTY! ~👹~ TO THE PIT, WITH YOU, SATAN! I'm off to enjoy the sweet light of my DIVINE & RIGHTEOUS, HEAVENLY BLUE ~ 😇~ DEMOCRATIC PARTY! The Light of the Lord hath spoken and you would do well to listen and take heed.

  3. I’m so excited …. It’s time to immigrate to Africa. Democrats are like the relative that came to visit and doesn’t want to leave after a month

  4. Yet another Democrat who is fully capable of being the president of the USA. Warren is a class act, more honest than the day is long, and a very hard worker. America is a better place because of her tireless efforts.

  5. she's not fighting back tears, she always sounds like a hectoring school marm.
    harris can't be bought? … she's been laying around the bargain bin. how many bankers did she imprison? prosecute? arrest? indict? investigate? …
    NONE … Warren is a fraud from head to toe.

  6. Isn't she a Native American? Oh, now I remember she, claimed to be a native American. Fine representative of the Washington Gang and all you people clap and cheer while the Whole World laughs, and laughs, and laughs.

  7. I m not impressed finally last nite of this joke last nite of lies i just listened to kamala where are the factcheckers? All i heard were lies price goughing every is a prce gougher the one who takes your rent is a gouger will they lower you rent your tax bill is govt price gouging you goingto do something about that cut cable costs too then they goug i never heard so many lies

  8. What a load of hogwash. Every time her mouth opened; a lie escaped. Kamala has been in office for 4 years. Why hasn't she worked on implementing all these pie in sky promises already?

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