This week we dove into some near death experiences! You shared your stories with us about a time when you came close to the other side, what happened, what you saw, and how it affected you. We also covered some personal updates about travel, new looks, and Sarah’s jewelry collab with Rellery!! Thank you guys SO much for submitting your stories and if you’d like to share your stories with us please follow us on instagram!
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Lo YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thebeestonbunch
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Do an episode with your girl gang from Hawaii!!!
You also need carbon monoxide detectors when you’re camping. My husband races dirt bikes, and we were out the desert at a race, it gets really cold at night. The group that was hosting the race gets out there really early to prep the track and make sure everything is squared away for the day. Some of the members were missing so they went knocking on their trailer early in the morning and when they didn’t answer, they opened the door to their trailer, there were three of them dead inside of the trailer. They had their heater on and their camper overnight and didn’t have a carbon monoxide detector. So sad.
I love your show! Butttt I felt like Lauren kept cutting Sarah off today. I do the same thing to people because I get very excited when I’m talking about something.
I appreciate you both saying how you worry about your kids all the time but you both have very fearless, daring kiddos. Shows how you live your life and do not let fear take you over. Inspiring. ❤
I knew people STUDENTS who would bring they guns to school and it used to piss me off so damn bad…
What happened to Derek wasn’t just something that happened to him but also his parents.
Also to prevent fires don’t hang crystals in windows or have mirrors on window sills. The sun can catch them and concentrate the light on surfaces and start fires.
I’m a gun carrier I take my kids a lot of places alone and it makes me feel safe but it totally blows my mind that someone that has never shot a gun before can buy a gun also every gun is different you should be shooting a gun before you leave the store with it just to get used to it. So yeah every gun store should have a range and there needs to be requirements for quarterly gun classes to make sure you can handle your gun well and also how to be smart about when to use it. Too many hot heads out there with guns reacting in stupid ways.
you guys should do other ghost stories !
Definitely bring a carbon monoxide alarm when you travel. Look at all the families who have died traveling,its scary😮
I love you guys but these last two episodes are confusing to me- strange addictions and near death experiences? Respectfully, what is the theme of this podcast? Is the whole thing really just reading DMs? Not loving it
Lol Lo! Did you watch the Proud Family when you were a kid? The “Yeah yeaheeee” that you sang is what Oscar and Felix (the dads of Penny Proud and LaCienega Boulevardez)would say whenever they get together or were planning some type of hijinx😋
Simone Biles is o nly 4 foot 9
Not near death, but when my sister was a teenager she cooking with a chip pan of oil on a gas stove, it caught light, she tried putting it out, but when they took the lid off there was a burst of flames, and they had to run out of the house to call for help. The whole cooker was in flames but when the fire brigade turned up they asked who put out the fire. It had gone out on its own, despite the door being wide open letting oxygen in and there still being oil left in the pan.
They said they’d never seen anything like that.
My family had carbon monoxide poisoning twice from two different houses we lived in back in the early 90’s. The first time was much worse, and we were very lucky. Luckily the second time my mum recognised the symptoms.
Both times we had to have the heating system replaced.
Now I have the detector, and regularly check to make sure it’s functioning ok.
I love it ❤❤❤
My gramma had a near death experience when she was having surgery. She had my dad and his brothers already but was a single mom. They must have been in middle schoolish age. She legally passed while on the operating table for a couple minutes. She said she came out of her body and saw her body and the doctors operating on her frantically trying to get her to come back. She went to a place as a little girl and saw her own grandma and sat on her lap. Her grandma said “you can come here if you want to.” But my grandma said “I can’t. My boys still need me.” Then she came back to her body. She lived for many more years on and off with cancer and remission and heart problems. She was a couple months away from outliving her pacemaker when she passed last year.
LO Where’d you get that checkers cup drinking cup from I like that looks like Nascar
Actually I was telling the paramedics to take me home so I can go to sleep cause I was so tired and they were trying to keep me awake in the ambulance and the guy never even followed me or nothing if I would’ve hit somebody I wouldn’t be fighting about it I would be their best friend
The Hannah Montana “heyyeuyahh yeahhhhh” lmao 😂😂😂 I fell to the floor
I’ve had a few experiences of almost dying. I have been hit by a car a brand new Audi. I was on my bicycle crossing the street and he didn’t feel like waiting in the lane of traffic behind him. So he moved over to the right lane which is on the end and I was trying to get to that side”””
And everybody else was waiting and I as I crossed he hit me in the front and I went 15 feet in the air which he said. My head hit his window I still have a huge bump on my head it’s pretty big that’s still where is worries me… and I don’t like talking about it because it upsets me I got a concussion all I wanted to do I told the ambulance I just wanna go home because my dog was a diabetic and he needed his insulin shot and they were thinking that I needed it and I told them if we can just go home so I can give my dog his shot before we go to the hospital I was more worried about my dog… but I kept telling everybody can you take me over to the grass so I can go to sleep because I was really tired and they told me that if I go to sleep I won’t wake up.. and it took eight years to go to trial. The guy that hit me lives in Southlake Texas and he’s not upset about it he’s not he said he wouldn’t do anything different took a long time to go to trial. The whole thing was a joke the jurors did not care the judge didn’t care he wanted to go home to his kids soccer game and he was irritated and wanted to go home that Thursday. So the problem is that nobody wanted to come back that Friday because the judge wanted to go home and didn’t care so they gave the guy that hit me and he won. and I had really good lawyers and they took video of signs they were saying there’s crosswalks ahead because there’s like 30 mile path that goes through different cities but to get to the trail you have to cross the major intersection. and the guy that hit me didn’t even care he didn’t follow me to the hospital he didn’t talk to me he didn’t apologize his daughter was crying… they told the guy that hit me that they wouldn’t let him come over to me but that’s not true. he probably weighed 300 pounds he was huge he wasn’t sad or upset that he almost killed me. and my lawyer said a mother and a child has a right to cross the street pedestrians have the right away right well no that’s not true evidently you can hit somebody and get away with it because they awarded the guy that hit me to win and guess what. I was crying after everything happen and I went through crap for 7 yrs. I had EG‘s I had EEGs in the doctors office I had EEG at home put on my head for a week I had to push buttons to see if I had it I was getting bad migraines..
And I get really bad migraines and when it happened I couldn’t stand any music loud I couldn’t stand anything loud I would tell people to tone it down. and I went through so much I went I’ve had I don’t know how many MRIs on my brain I’ve had sleep deprived EEGs in the office. and the bum on my head still bothers me because it feels weird like when I touch it and the guys was not he was a jerk he didn’t even care he hit me might as well been a hit and run because he didn’t care I was sitting out in the middle of the street under us the light and everybody was there waiting and just the whole thing put my life on hold. That’s why I don’t like Facebook anymore because the other Lawyer was following me and I knew he looked familiar to me because he was following me everywhere for seven years on Facebook investigating me that’s why I quit doing Facebook because that totally destroyed me he’s ruined my life I played softball every day I did I taught aerobics dancing salsa hip-hop aerobics just classes were eight dance classes to work out I was more active back then and now I don’t do anything because of that and I’ll never get on a bicycle again he took that away from me he put my life on hold for seven years and got away with it if I ever see him somewhere he better watch out… because I could’ve died like almost it’s been 14 years now… oh and also when I was a baby my parents took me to Schlitterbahn.. and that’s been my favorite place and I’m 48 now I haven’t been in a few years but when I was little my brother was pushing me down the tube down to go down the rapids on the right and when I went down a big fat lady came behind me and knocked me off.!!!!!!!! and I went under her tube and I couldn’t get up I couldn’t breathe my brother had to save me but that is my favorite waterpark of all time still but I do remember that and I do remember the ride it’s actually one of my favorite rides now as an adult
I’ve had a few experiences of almost dying. I have been hit by a car a brand new Audi. I was on my bicycle crossing the street and he didn’t feel like waiting in the lane of traffic behind him. So he moved over to the right lane which is on the end and I was trying to get to that side”””
And everybody else was waiting and I as I crossed he hit me in the front and I went 15 feet in the air which he said. My head hit his window I still have a huge bump on my head it’s pretty big that’s still where is worries me… and I don’t like talking about it because it upsets me I got a concussion all I wanted to do I told the ambulance I just wanna go home because my dog was a diabetic and he needed his insulin shot and they were thinking that I needed it and I told them if we can just go home so I can give my dog his shot before we go to the hospital I was more worried about my dog… but I kept telling everybody can you take me over to the grass so I can go to sleep because I was really tired and they told me that if I go to sleep I won’t wake up.. and it took eight years to go to trial. The guy that hit me lives in Southlake Texas and he’s not upset about it he’s not he said he wouldn’t do anything different took a long time to go to trial. The whole thing was a joke the jurors did not care the judge didn’t care he wanted to go home to his kids soccer game and he was irritated and wanted to go home that Thursday. So the problem is that nobody wanted to come back that Friday because the judge wanted to go home and didn’t care so they gave the guy that hit me and he won. and I had really good lawyers and they took video of signs they were saying there’s crosswalks ahead because there’s like 30 mile path that goes through different cities but to get to the trail you have to cross the major intersection. and the guy that hit me didn’t even care he didn’t follow me to the hospital he didn’t talk to me he didn’t apologize his daughter was crying… they told the guy that hit me that they wouldn’t let him come over to me but that’s not true. he probably weighed 300 pounds he was huge he wasn’t sad or upset that he almost killed me. and my lawyer said a mother and a child has a right to cross the street pedestrians have the right away right well no that’s not true evidently you can hit somebody and get away with it because they awarded the guy that hit me to win and guess what. I was crying after everything happen and I went through crap for 7 yrs. I had EG‘s I had EEGs in the doctors office I had EEG at home put on my head for a week I had to push buttons to see if I had it I was getting bad migraines..
And I get really bad migraines and when it happened I couldn’t stand any music loud I couldn’t stand anything loud I would tell people to tone it down. and I went through so much I went I’ve had I don’t know how many MRIs on my brain I’ve had sleep deprived EEGs in the office. and the bum on my head still bothers me because it feels weird like when I touch it and the guys was not he was a jerk he didn’t even care he hit me might as well been a hit and run because he didn’t care I was sitting out in the middle of the street under us the light and everybody was there waiting and just the whole thing put my life on hold. That’s why I don’t like Facebook anymore because the other Lawyer was following me and I knew he looked familiar to me because he was following me everywhere for seven years on Facebook investigating me that’s why I quit doing Facebook because that totally destroyed me he’s ruined my life I played softball every day I did I taught aerobics dancing salsa hip-hop aerobics just classes were eight dance classes to work out I was more active back then and now I don’t do anything because of that and I’ll never get on a bicycle again he took that away from me he put my life on hold for seven years and got away with it if I ever see him somewhere he better watch out… because I could’ve died like almost it’s been 14 years now… oh and also when I was a baby my parents took me to Schlitterbahn.. and that’s been my favorite place and I’m 48 now I haven’t been in a few years but when I was little my brother was pushing me down the tube down to go down the rapids on the right and when I went down a big fat lady came behind me and knocked me off.!!!!!!!! and I went under her tube and I couldn’t get up I couldn’t breathe my brother had to save me but that is my favorite waterpark of all time still but I do remember that and I do remember the ride it’s actually one of my favorite rides now as an adult
No shot. I was doing todays mini crossword and I was on the Celine part and thought I was crazy when I heard a hushed “Celine”. Come to realize YALL STARTED TALKING ABOUT THE LITERAL CLUE I WAS ON WHILE I WAS TRYING TO PUT IN “CELINE” yooooooooooo 5:24
I tried to go to the caraway site and it says the page doesn't exist, also the code odd sisters doesn't work in checkout either!
I was at lake Paul right next to them
Either swear or forget it, your stupid word choices make it difficult to listen to you!
When I was little the bedtime prayer went, “Now I lay me down to sleep/ I pray the Lord my soul to keep/ If I should die before I wake/ I pray the Lord my soul to take, for good reason!! You children have the blessings of vaccinations. There weren’t those when we were children. Especially with measles I remember being very very ill. Blankets over the windows, so I wouldn’t go blind, the whole thing. It was a real possibility we might not wake up.
Now I’m old and not in good health, and I still find that original prayer comforting. 😊
Near-death experiences will give you hope. God Bless you all.💖💖
PS: my grandfather invented the carbon monoxide detector while he worked for the government at the National Bureau of Standards (as it was called back then). He was an inventor, Scientist, and gas Analyst. It saved a lot of miners and a lot of canaries! 😅
My Aunt Jeanie and her daughter Duke (cousin) took a vacation to Florida in April. When they returned back home around midnight, Duke turned on the heat for the first time of the season as it has become a little chilly. She went home and called her mom in the morning but no answer. She raced to mom's house and found her and her dog dead in bed!
Can you imagine?! OMG plus Duke was the one to turn the heat on in the first place. But CARBON DIOXIDE took her and her buddy's life 😥😥 very tragic, extremely shocking & dumbfounded that this happened. Her daughter cries hysterically every single day for 5 years now.
I just lost my brother last month to drowning. We are adults and have our own families. He was on vacation with his wife and kids and somehow must have stepped off a sandbar or something, and the current grabbed him. No one saw him get in the water. They just heard his screams for help. It absolutely hurts my soul at what he must have felt during that time. On top of his 4 boys, seeing this happen to their Dad. I think it will be a long time before I go in any rivers or lakes again. I just don't understand why it was his turn that God planned on him only living to 44. He had so much more to do.
Please have that detector in ur garage as well
Along the carbon Monoxide thought, you can buy rechargeable detectors that you can take with you when you travel! It’s not too expensive! I have one to monitor our pellet stove at home
I've also been followed home by a car when I was 19. I went to my salon to get my hair done and I was driving home around 9 pm. I instantly felt like something was wrong because the car would get so close to me and then back off, they did this multiple times. I could see a man in the driver's seat with black clothes on and I just knew something was wrong. I called my mom and she told me to keep driving and to not come home. She said to keep driving around to see if the WHITE MURDER VAN would still follow me. I have no clue how but I eventually lost them and then felt safe going home when I couldn't see the car anymore. I told my friend what happened at work the next day and he told me that he had the WORST feeling about me last night. He knew that I was going to get my hair done and he felt prompted to tell me not to go but he brushed it off…Being a girl is so scary. I don't like to go anywhere by myself anymore.
Scary episode 😬 but some of these things do need to be talked about and we need to be more aware. Also, ❤ your outfit Lo! 😍
They have pink and green sets at Walmart and made me think of you guys! 🩷💚
They have pink and green sets at Walmart and made me think of you guys! 🩷💚
They have pink and green sets at Walmart and made me think of you guys! 🩷💚
They have pink and green sets at Walmart and made me think of you guys! 🩷💚
Schools aren’t like they used to be.- home schooling or private school would be a very wise option.
Lauren, has Tanner talked about his side of Derrick's accident? Like, how were things for Derrick's siblings in regard to the accident?? I have heard the story several times before but curious of Tanner's feedback as a big brother.
With the whole car story, when my aunt and uncle were toddlers, they were playing in the driveway and my uncle somehow got the keys to the car and reversed over my aunt. Thankfully she was okay but just crazy how much you have to watch kids with vehicles
My last gel manicure started chipping after 3 days. What the freak!!!