Top 10 Scariest Ghost Photos Ever Captured

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Top 10 Creepy Ghost Photos! Ahh.. Another day, another fun, creepy topic! Though today, we’re going to switch it up from our normal style to look at some supernatural entities. Here are the Top 10 Creepy Ghost Photos!

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10. Monet
9. The Ghost of Lord Combermere
8. Church Photographs
7. The Whole Crew
6. In Plain Sight
5. True or false?
4. Traumatizing or Closure?
3. Abe Lincoln Himself
2. Mirrors
1. Ghost child finds new family?

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  1. Do you have to show people making gestures and objects and trees while describing things in the story? Do you think we’re first graders?? We know, just get to the story. One more thing, tell the announcer to cut down on the Marlboros. Idea. Arrows, circles, or audio telling where the ghost photos are would help also. Learn how to describe without random idiots demonstrating what you just said. Get to the pics!!!! Bizzare Bub is the best, learn from him.

  2. one time I saw her above my head while I was sleeping I missunderstood and thought It was my daughter i began to be angry at her and say what are you doing here why arent you sleeping then i turbed my head and saw my daughter that she sleeps near me, and the girl above my head queckly went away from me and disapeared like a fog

  3. I had a photo of my daughter behind her was siluet of a girl her head looked blurred like she was looking yo left and right at the same time she was in white dress and had curly hair I didnt see her legs like she was in air without them her age was 4 or 5

  4. I have a demon that haunts my house, shows up from time to time to cause trouble. I didn’t realize it at the time but I really pissed off a witch. Who I thought was just a bitch but she turned out to have invisible friends.

  5. the lincoln photo has already been debunked. it was purposely faked by the photographer because mary had a belief in ghost. it was faked for profit. the fact this was included and the creator of this video didn't do his research makes me question all these pictures.

  6. I actually had 3 paranormal experiences that happened to me. The first happened in December 2014 when I was 6 years old. When I get sick I sleep with my mom in her bedroom. One time while’s I was sleeping I felt a hand tapping my back. I woke up seeing what it was but nobody was there. It happened around the end of the night. So maybe 06:00? Anyways just as I was about to fall back asleep I swear I saw 2 figures walking in the room to the window as they disappeared. They were both very big and strong looking. One was wearing a red t shirt with blond hair while’s the other one was wearing a blue t shirt with black hair. The next experience happened 4 years later in 2018 when I was 10. It happened around the end of the year so neither September or November. I went to sleep and turned off my lamp of. Then I woke up and the light was on. It made me mad. I just turned it off and continued sleeping. The last experience happened in January 2020 when I was 12. This happened at my school. I was in the sports lesson until I needed the toilet. While’s I was in the toilet I heard a sound. It sounded like a demonic growl. I thought it was my teacher but he wasn’t doing the sound.

  7. The guy in my profile pic was apparently the captain of the boat I took a photo of. He had died ten years earlier. I only saw a boat when taking the photograph. If you notice he even has a ghost dog.

  8. I'm here cuz I just spontaneously took a picture of my closet. I had a feeling. Tell me why there is a set of cat eyes on the bottom and I have no fucking cat. (Well not anymore he's been gone for prolly over 10 years now). I tried to recreate it but it wouldn't show up again.

  9. I took a bunch of head selfies of me as I painted a 💀 on my face during Halloween. The pictures I took were in a dimly lit car illuminated by just the dashboard clusters. All looked normal as they should, but one did not appear to have been of me at all it couldn't have been made by me in that lighting. The next day I looked for that photo in my galleries to have a better look and it had vanished.

  10. Hey guys, I have a crazy story to share with you. A few weeks ago, I started hearing a loud knock on my door every morning around 10 am. I was annoyed by it, so I just ignored it and hoped it would go away. But it didn’t. It kept happening every morning, and I felt like someone or something was trying to get my attention. One morning, I decided to see who was behind the door. I grabbed a coffee mug and a newspaper and opened the door. To my surprise, there was no one there. Just a sunny street and a blue sky. But then I noticed something odd. My postbox was full of letters. I walked over to it and opened it. There were dozens of envelopes with my address on them. They looked new and shiny, like they had just been delivered. I picked one up and opened it. It was a letter from my bank, saying that I owed them a lot of money. I picked another one. It was a letter from my ex-girlfriend, saying that she wanted to get back together. I picked another one. It was a letter from a lawyer, saying that I had been sued for something I didn’t do. I dropped the letters and gasped. I ran back to my house and locked the door behind me. I couldn’t believe what I had just seen. How was this possible? How did they know where I lived? How did they send me these letters? Was this some kind of joke? Was this some kind of curse? I was shocked to my core. I still am. I don’t know what to do or who to tell. This is the most annoying thing that ever happened to me.

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