Watch Him Transform Into The Most Gorgeous Husky | The Dodo

Watch Him Transform Into The Most Gorgeous Husky | The Dodo
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Watch this sweet boy transform into the fluffiest, most gorgeous husky

Our producer, Chelsi, sent Whiskey’s new mom a pool — and he LOVED it! 🖤

To learn about more adoptables visit @valleyanimalcenter and keep up with @wh1skey_husky on Instagram!


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. There's a special place in HELL for people who abuse animals !! And, there's a special place in HEAVEN for people who SAVE THEM !! All animals in God's creation have SOULS and a deep understanding of the world around them…. NEVER DOUBT THIS ; we must behave accordingĺy !!!
    This made me weep….

  2. I can’t believe someone would do this to the poor husky . But I’m thank to those that saved him . He looks all new . God bless you and to those who adopted him God bless you too . ❤😮😊🙏

  3. Thank you to the Earth Angels that rescued this dog . My heart goes out . I might of had the money to rescue and afford to. Are but I would at least taken him to get euthanized. Thank you all for caring for Dodo! I know of people that don't even care for humans. God will see to these people . I pray for their evil souls.

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