http://tomscott.com – @tomscott – A message from the Interstellar Safety Council. What if the rest of the universe wasn’t built on “survival of the fittest”?
The post and discussion that inspired this: http://bogleech.tumblr.com/post/56211923819/its-funny-how-science-fiction-universes-so-often
No wonder any aliens are visiting us 🙁
Humans also being capable of simply surpassing the limits of their biology by mere virtue of being in danger. Destroying themselves, but also any they obstacle in their path.
Everyone knows humans are a myth
r/HFY in a nutshell
When Aliens fly past Earth they lock their doors.
Why was I recommended with this is the world asking me to save the universe
We were born to inherit the stars
Man how am i supose to destroy a whole fleet by causing a ship to supper nova
Can't forget about our other pastimes!
Combat simulations. A ton of which involve destroying aliens!
Theatrical films. …Which involve killing more aliens.
Casually intaking stiumulants in an easily digestible liquid format! (I type this whilst drinking a caffeinated drink.)
And riding in vehicles powered by miniature explosions at extremely high speeds with no more protection than the extremely light vehicle can provide, as well as a helmet, all just to cross a checkered line before someone else.
I love the thought, that the Universe was just always at peace axcept for earth and they just put like a quarantine zone around us
Jesus wait until they find They find out about the 1000000 other things
"O' Universe Tremble, for Mother Earth has Birthed an Unforgiving force and it look's upon you wanting.
Is this where HFY begun?
It'd be hilarious if WE'RE the threat and that aliens make horror movies and shows about humans invading their planet.
[Translation Device Applied] Thank you for this information to stay safe in my starship from these barbaric species ♡
the indomitable human spirit
we where born to inherit the stars … not you
"We'll survive you, and you'll have to survive us, or you won't survive at all."
-Human Sun Tzu probably
Aliens: "Uhh, sir? can we go back to planet pluto?"
I love that a lot of the footage is old, which makes perfect sense because aliens right now that are many tens of lightyears away would recieve television transmissions from decades ago. Neat touch!
Mostly harmless.
It was a good journey man