Danger: Humans

Danger: Humans
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http://tomscott.com – @tomscott – A message from the Interstellar Safety Council. What if the rest of the universe wasn’t built on “survival of the fittest”?

The post and discussion that inspired this: http://bogleech.tumblr.com/post/56211923819/its-funny-how-science-fiction-universes-so-often


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About the Author: Tom Scott


  1. Humans also being capable of simply surpassing the limits of their biology by mere virtue of being in danger. Destroying themselves, but also any they obstacle in their path.

  2. Can't forget about our other pastimes!

    Combat simulations. A ton of which involve destroying aliens!

    Theatrical films. …Which involve killing more aliens.

    Casually intaking stiumulants in an easily digestible liquid format! (I type this whilst drinking a caffeinated drink.)

    And riding in vehicles powered by miniature explosions at extremely high speeds with no more protection than the extremely light vehicle can provide, as well as a helmet, all just to cross a checkered line before someone else.

  3. 》¤◇¥▪︎◇●¡¤|°♧¤*)¥
    [Translation Device Applied] Thank you for this information to stay safe in my starship from these barbaric species ♡

  4. I love that a lot of the footage is old, which makes perfect sense because aliens right now that are many tens of lightyears away would recieve television transmissions from decades ago. Neat touch!

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