WHEN COPS ARE ON TIME | Best of Instant Justice & Instant Karma USA

WHEN COPS ARE ON TIME | Best of Instant Justice & Instant Karma USA
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All videos in this compilation are edited by me and the comments and funny effects are added to make them more entertaining and funnier to watch. Also, the viewers can learn from these situations…
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You can check out the links we shared for this episode down in the description box.

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DISCLAIMER: This video is only for educational purposes and was done to document the traffic risk factors! We do not encourage the actions contained in this episode !!! Ride Safe!

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00:00 Woman Pulls Shotgun On Deputies | Memphis | TN | USA
01:25 State Trooper seizes 79 pounds of marijuana | Lonoke | AR | USA
05:37 High Speed Pursuit with DODGE CHARGER | Arkansas | USA
09:29 High Speed Motorcycle Chase | Hot Springs | AR | USA
13:57 Fleeing Pursuit Suspect Pulls Gun And Gets Shot | Indianapolis | IN | USA
16:53 Crazy Off-Road Pursuit Through Yards | Ocala | FL | USA
22:05 Outro

#InstantJustice #InstantKarma #WhenCopsAreOnTime


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About the Author: Caught on DashCam


  1. I hate when they refer to anything on 2 wheels as a biker. This is not a biker but just a punk on a crotch rocket. Although this idiot but several people's life in danger he did know when he was beat and layer face down in the grass with hands up when the officer said hands up. For the officer to not
    Knowledge this and to walk up and cuff him was just a power trip and unnecessary.

  2. If the officer pulled over Cheech & Chong with that much weed in the back of their van, Cheech & Chong would have smoked ๐Ÿšฌ it all up before the officer got out of his patrol ๐Ÿš“ car and got to the driver's door window ๐ŸชŸ asking for a driver's license. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. Why did the trooper call ๐Ÿ“ž the fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ department after shooting the driver? Did the many hot bullets start the van on fire? Why not call the ambulance or 'bus" like they do on the TV show "Law and Order"?๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. " Two shots were fired at the suspect" it's obvious to stop the suspect who later died, I want to see if anyone is crying over this dangerous chase.

  5. 13.57 two men in stolen car with police giving chase on foot, why did the officer shoot the man who was fleeing away from him, there was no immediate danger to the officer and a gun was found after searching the semi conscious offender. To me it seems like an execution to affect an arrest.

  6. Have to say the red dodge chase the pigs put the girl in a safe place her head between two bumpers of cars one being a police car which I assume has the metal bash bumper if a car accidentally crashed into either cars she would be dead think someone screwed up in the pig force

  7. That last one was ridiculous. I don't understand why the cops are more afraid to damage their cars than they are to let the perp keep fleeing and endangering the public. They had the perp in that person's yard and let them get away back onto the road.

  8. Imagine being so clueless that you are surprised when you leave your keys in your car, someone steals it. How do people like that survive? On the kindness of others presumably. More likely on the dole.

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