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About the Author: Admin


  1. Lions are primarily nocturnal hunters. If people are moving through lion territory at night, they are more likely to be attacked, as lions may mistake them for prey in the dark.
    Lion be like: I am a night rider!"

  2. Lion: Let's attack it
    Another lion: DON'T
    lion: why? It's prey
    Another lion: they are huge when we are close
    them far from the vehicle
    Lion: goes closer

  3. I don't think lions are that stupid 🤦🏼 I'm more than willing to bet they identify all of you but don't want to waste the energy of trying to fight all of you when they know you aren't a risk.

  4. Lion will attack the weakest prey possible to save energy. They mostly attack together larger prey. But animal like hippo, elephant and vehicles are not worth to attack.

  5. Lions operate via instinct, human being isn’t build into it for food. The same way if a starship entered earth atmosphere today we wouldn’t necessarily attack it, until a threat is perceived, meaning they attack first, as long as they just come to watch and leave it’s all good.

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