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About the Author: HistoryAtWar


  1. Us history lovers are a dying breed we must stick together and be there for each other just like the mighty 300!

    My Spartans what is your profession?!

  2. My Grandfather served under Field Marshal Romel.
    Watching your videos helps me understand what my Grandfather went thru.
    He survived WW ll, unfortunately he passed away when I was about 4 or 5 years old.
    My Grandmother would sometimes tell me what he went thru but left some of the ugly things out.
    Thank you for posting these videos.

  3. Hope the cancel squad doesn't come after you, posting facts these days will get you canceled 🙁 You are the best WW2 channel out on ww2, keep it up

  4. I've been nodding off to ww2 videos and audio books for decades. It's become the only way I CAN fall asleep.
    Gotta say, ads kind of kill it. In case you're not aware. 👍

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