7 SCARY And DISTURBING Real GHOST Videos Caught On Camera | Scary Comp V.118

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7 SCARY And DISTURBING Real GHOST Videos Caught On Camera | Scary Comp V.118

Scary Comp brings you scary videos, top 5 scary videos, scary, horror videos including, ghosts, demons, entities, monsters, shadow figures, paranormal events, supernatural events, mythical sightings, aliens, Mysterious, weird and horrific scenes, unexplained footage, ghost caught on camera, caught on video, caught on tape, paranormal scary compilation, horror ghost videos, scary and creepy ghost videos, scariest real ghost videos, mysterious scary videos compilation, scariest videos on the internet, disturbing scary videos, paranormal activity and horror genre caught on camera, hunting purgatory, ghost hunting, haunted house, real ghost encounters and ghost sightings which gives scary experience to ghost hunters, so please like share and subscribe to our channel for further updates UFOS, deep dark web content

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in this scary videos compilation we will see 7 SCARY And DISTURBING Real GHOST Videos Caught On Camera , in which we will see a man experiencing paranormal ctivity in his house, a woman captured ghost in her daughter room and captured in CCTV Camera, adventurer captured haunting activity in the woods, ghost caught on mobile,

#scary #creepy #ghost


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About the Author: Scary Comp


  1. The dude at 15 with the light that's swinging…. his light is dangling and in the shape of something that can be used as a pendulum. If it IS using it like that, it's swinging in the usual "no" answer for yes/no questions.

  2. The last one. Talk about being Fake. Bad acting from that lady. And what kind of apartment is that? Crazy set up. But that's one fake video forsure. And the dude in the forest. Quit recording yourself when you heard the footsteps. Get up and pan around on what you're hearing and might see.

  3. The last one i know was staged but it was still pretty scary. And that apt is weird bc she pretty much had her front door open and was chillin. 😂😂unless "her neighbors" are really her family and this is actually a big house of theirs. 😅

  4. When you are security, you investigate until you come to a conclusion. They don't pay you to be scared. I've already done private sector and USAF nuclear missile security. You have to just suck it up when you get scared.

  5. So the couple with the young son has two cats and they just left the cats in a place that has a ghost or demon in there place sounds like you should not have pets

  6. The guy from "Dude my house is haunted" is staging everything… The dark circles around his eyes are a sign of alcoholism! And he started all this after his wife passed away! He thought it's her at first! But he filmed a few things and uploaded them to Tik-tok and he got his 15 mins of fame! I guess his new gf left him because nobody can live with that! Now it's a child who's haunting him… He's a fake!

  7. Footsteps in the forest: this guy really can't be called a wimp! He did the only right thing and got out of there! I probably would have moved when hearing the first steps! I have done a lot of wild camping in the past – where life was less aggressive. Today we only go as a team of 3, one always staying awake for 2-3 hrs in rotation as guard. We had to do this because it is not the dead you need fear but the bloody living!! There are many very weird and aggressive people in the most hidden away areas you can imagine – we had our fill of dangerous encounters! Single camping like that is not feasible anymore.. much to dangerous!

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