We keep doing our rescue mission despite the war in Ukraine!
As more and more people flee the country, more pets are left behind.
Involving more volunteers, expanding our facilities, and working hard, we try to save as many furry friends as possible. They are always in need of our help.
Please, Pray for Ukraine and our safety!
Thanks for all the support! We could not do this without you❤️
Please subscribe to our new channel “Stray Furry Friends” …
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Thank you all for the support in such a difficult time in my country -Ukraine❤🇺🇦🙏
Oh my God she's so beautiful, and those eyes! Seeing her safe and happy brought tears to my eyes. If only everyone could be safe and happy in this world…
Thank you guys for all you do for them, please stay strong ❤❤
所幸那些工人給你們打電話了,讓小Sonja可以在又安靜又乾淨的所在生牠的寶貝們。雖然牠心裡顯然很害怕,但牠勇敢地靠近人,請他們幫助牠。小Sonja一定是個很棒的媽媽。謝謝你們給牠和牠的寶貝們一個機會 🐕🌼
Un. Millón. De. Gracias. A todos. Ustedes. Por. Tener. Un. Corazon. Tan. Lindo. Con. Estos. Pobres. Angelitos. Que. Solo. Amor. Dan. Y lealdad. Mejor. Que. Un. Ser humano. Dios. Les. Bendiga. Siempre. En. Sus. Camino. Y. En. Salud. Muchas. Bendiciones. Saludos. ❤❤❤.
Τhis is not a shelter but a back yard but you help and save the bog and that is marvelus
THANK YOU EVERYBODY 💋💋💋💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
Please remember to give a 'thumbs up' , leave a commentt, suscribe and shaire this vid to help Love Furry Friends💗💗
❤Thank you for helping our engel dog with love 😍 God bless you and lovely people 😊 they get safety place with lovely people forever 😊 ❤ hope you ❤ love ❤
kocham Ciebie bo kto kocha zwierzeta i im pomaga jest dobrym czlowiekiem !!! kocham was za to !!😘😘😘😘😘😘
В поддержку канала ♥️🙏🏻
👱🏻♀️🦮🐶🐶🐶🐶❤👏🏻👏🏻👨👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👩🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻viva Ucrania 🇺🇦 desde España 🇪🇸 🙋♀️
There's a NEW Channel @Loveforearthangels. Another animal lover channel!!! ✔️ IT Out
Please donate to this young lady. It costs money for food and medical care for these precious animals. Also let the adverts play, leave comments and be sure to click the like button for the main video, also click the like button on the individual comments. All these actions help with fundraising 🙂
Bless all of you , Sonya and her pups are in safe hands .🐕🐕🐕
Their all so cute healthy happy and loved such great care from all those people
They are so adorable. They look just like her.
Awwww just to adorable!
Thank you, Olena, and everyone in the shelter. Bless your hearts for all you do.
Thats good.She got help, theres nothing more I find upsetting than to see an abandoned dog,cat,donkey,etc on the road
Beautiful story, cute mom & puppies. Thank you for saving mom & her babies ❤️
Very cute very cute pupies
Thank you.
great that the guys on the construction site contacted the charity to make sure she was ok – they didn't just leave her like many people would💗
God bless all those workers at site for having compassion to find help!!!🥹🥹🙏🙏🙏🙏
You all sure do make a difference with your tireless work. Thank you.
Great work! ❤❤❤❤❤
Such a wonderful, beautiful video!!!!
The work you and your crew do everyday is hard, exhausting, and heartbreaking. But you all create miracles every single day as well. The things you have done for these animals is spectacular, thank you.
Soyna is beautiful!! Her babies are going to be huge. I can't wait to see their growth. ❤❤🇺🇦💙💛
Seu abrigo está lindo ,vi vários vídeos,muito bom que seu amor e esforços pelos abandonados agora tem um endereço certo,aconchegante e confortável.
Dễ thg
Krásný příběh velké díky za pomoc hodných lidí krásné štěňátka.😥♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Thank you for caring for all the dogs 🐕🐕🐕🐕you are amazing 💖💖💖💖
All sweet and beautiful. Thank you, Olena, for your kind and caring heart and to your staff ❤️ ♥️ 💖 💕 💗
Thanks ❤ 🕊
Eine bezaubernde Familie!!! Danke, für die Rettung, Fürsorge und Liebe!! Nichts anderes haben diese wunderbaren Tiere verdient, sie sind der beste Freund des Menschen und dennoch werden so viele, so schlecht behandelt. Ja, der Mensch, ist die grausamste Kreatur auf Erden!