*THESE GUYS ARE AWESOME!!* Age & Treachery-The Unstoppable 77th Infantry Division–Fat Electrician

*THESE GUYS ARE AWESOME!!*  Age & Treachery-The Unstoppable 77th Infantry Division--Fat Electrician
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#America #Americans #Learn


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About the Author: AmericansLearn


  1. Oh my God, you talk SO much. And SO loud. What you say is actually very interesting and observant, and your energy is great, but there's so much of it that the video sounds like it's coming through a half-broken McDonalds speaker. You've got so, so much going for you as a content producer, just maybe dial back the overtalking of the video you're reacting to?

  2. The desert experiment was to learn how soldiers would be affected and what supplies would be needed because the first military land operations of the American army in WW2 would be in the african deserts.

  3. Hacksaw ridge is a good movie. The filmmakers had to downplay some of the stuff that Desmond Doss actually did because they thought that audiences would find it too unbelievable.

    When Nic says "mortally wounded" he meant "gravely wounded" he's done it in a few videos, and he posted a comment on one of them saying that he gets kinda worked up while filming these and misspeaks. mortally wounded does indeed mean that someone is wounded in a way that leads to their death. Nic does know the difference, he just kinda misses what he says in those moments.

  4. The 75 men saved by Desmond is a number they agreed upon. There are reports he saved up to twice that many. Yes, he was not mortally wounded, he would have been dead, he was seriously wounded. Definitely watch Hacksaw Ridge.

  5. Also the Fabian Socialist that ran the media at the time loved Hitler. Here is something that they donтАЩt want you to know, Hitler was Time magazines person of the year.

  6. As the old adage goes тАЬif you take your foot off the lions neck, run!тАЭ In terms of our military might, we have our foot on the worldтАЩs(lions) neck and if we let up even the slightest with our advancements and advantages we better be ready to run. And by run I mean prepared to fight here on the home front.

  7. 12:30 we wouldn't even have to cut military spending if we made absolutely sure the money is going where they say it is not disappearing and then replaced the Department of Defense (DoD from here on) in 2022 failed it's 5th audit and couldn't account for 3.1 TRILLION DOLLARS worth of assets and the DoD still got it's money imagine if the DoD didn't lose it in the first place and then it could be spent elsewhere on other necessities ie. Road maintenance schools ect

  8. This vid hits close to home. I joined the Army when i was 18. I struggled mentally and physically. I coule barely cut it the army. I got out at 22. Rejoined at 30 and it made a world of difference. I could think clearly and see the bigger picture. And i was stronger than i was before and stronger than a lot of the young bucks after an 8 year break from the Army.

  9. Ernie Pyle(1900-1945), was commemorated in the 1945 film "The Story of G.I. Joe". Pyle was portrayed by real life WWII vet the late. great actor Burgess Meredith. Meredith achieved the rank of Captain in the US Army Air Forces( the direct predecessor of the US Air Force). In 2009, "The Story of G.I. Joe" was selected for preservation in The National Film Registry, by the Library of Congress, for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".

  10. To be fair to your thoughts about teaching older people food service, I'm sure if food service came with a possible death sentence for doing it poorly you would have a lot of people shaping up better.

  11. You should watch hacksaw ridge but know the stuff about him in training isent accurate to what really happened so I suggest you also watch the documentary about him as well.

  12. Highways are infrastructure. That's how ppl get around the city state country. Remember the trucker strike during covid and there was a supply shortage. Well imagine if a road was dirt.

  13. 11:48 No. EVERYBODY needs to know it'll take a LOT of them ganging up on us to win and it's STILL going to suck all the balls getting it done. When people forget that shit like 9/11 happens.
    14:37 that doesn't even take into account all the guys that went over to fight before we got involved. There were quite a large number of American pilots over there flying brit planes almost from the very beginning.
    19:14 The MAIN problem with older men being trained for military service without prior experience in service is at a certain age most men worth having in a fight start to think for THEMSELVES instead of just blindly following orders. In other words leadership needs an actual PLAN and the fellas getting those orders need to understand what that plan is. It is a concept diametrically opposed to the way almost every military on the planet worked at the time. It is the way most of our active service is trained NOW and I strongly suspect the 77th was a big part of that change in thinking. To the best of my knowledge none of our potential enemies train their enlisted to think for themselves in the absence of orders and only a few of our allies do either, Britain, Israel, Australia and Canada are the only ones I'm sure do.
    30:55 You do everything humanly possible to prevent trainees death EXCEPT make the training easier. These guys became the badasses they did BECAUSE their training was brutal enough that it killed a few of them. Do that exact training today with our medical knowledge, nobody dies and only a very few end up in medical for more than a couple hours to get a saline IV or 2.
    46:04 solid analogy

  14. Lmao fuk u mean ur not gen ex? I'm not even 30 and I'm gen X ЁЯШВ sorry if my comments are a little unfiltered but the constant talking over him so we missed 2/3 of it through me off and the high pitch add-on was like a nuke donating. Just remember we r trying to listen to

  15. Blah blah BLAH blah blah BLAH just yammering right over him talking, should you pause while you blather? Ofcorse not just wined that Yamaha 2 stroke mouth up to a higher pitch so we not only can't hear him, but our ear drums bleed so that you could b sure to tell us…what was it again? No idea I tried to listen to it four times I still can't understand what you said

  16. Wow thanks for stopping him in the middle of his explanation just so you can tell us you didn't know that good job ЁЯдж also we're not better by just a little bit we're better by Miles and Miles currently

  17. You should 100% watch Hacksaw Ridge. Both to just know the story, and cause it was really well done as a movie. I would say some of the scenes in Normandy was more graphic.

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