TOP 40 minutes of natural disasters.The biggest events in world. The world is praying for people

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Unbelievable footage | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry
Most Viral Natural disasters caught on camera! A selection of the most incredible moments ever caught on tape!
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  1. จริงๆแล้วเอ่างบนั้นมาให้ฉันครั้งเดิ่อวจบต้นนี้งบยังค่งเหลืออยู่มากไช่ไม่ก็รับบทต่อไป

  2. Это все покажетьса свиточками когда настигнет настояшшее кара Аллаха,за участие в зверском Генацыте Гази.Канада прямой участник и виновник в гибели 19 000 Детей и 15000Матерей Полестинов.

  3. I love watching man made events, dont you. Man made weponised weather events are happening all over the planet and the people in control of these do not care if you live or die.

  4. In the scriptures that says the storm came in the wind blew and the one who had their house built on the rock survived. Bad things happen to good people good things happen to bad people. This isn't judgment. Tribulation will come on all who live on the face of the Earth.

  5. ربنا يحفظ دول العالم من كل سوء يارب العالمين يارب العالمين يارب العالمين يارب العآلمين يارب العالمين يارب العآلمين

  6. Бедствие и бедствие от Бога послано на Канаду из-за использования Канадой украинских нацистов!!! Бедствия и бедствия от Бога посылаются и в Америку, и в Европу, и в Аравию!!

    Disaster and calamity from God is being sent to Canada because of Canada's use of Ukrainian Nazis!!! Disasters and calamities from God are being sent to America and Europe and Arabia as well!!

  7. 😂😂😂😂 who's praying for Canada 🤔🤔 not 🚫 this part of the world 🌎😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 apttmh yah 🙏🙏 judgement is here and it is glorious ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. I live in the us and 've not heard any New's about Canada having these weather problems most of what I just watched looks to be inserts from all over the world, I think they got the title wrong or they put that title in just to get people to watch them

  9. Weather has happened, it will always happen. We are more aware of weather around the world due to internet. Look to the sun. We are in the worst year of the solar cycle. It will calm after the storm. It always does until the next one. To incite fear is not good.

  10. It looks like a tropical area. A lot of palm trees. Heavy Hail! What is with the roofing on the buildings? I guess they use glue instead of nails. They blow off like sheets of cardboard!!! They are doomed!

  11. Jesús les contestó: "Tengan cuidado. Que nadie los engañe,* porque va ha venir muchos usando mi nombre y diciendo yo soy el Cristo, y engañarán a mucha gente. Ustedes oirán de guerras y noticias de guerras. Cuidado, no se alarmen, porque estás cosas tienen que suceder, pero todavía no es el fin.
    Porque peleará nación contra nación y reino contra reino, y habrá hambre y terremotos en un lugar tras otro. Todo esto es el principio de grandes sufrimientos.* (Mateo 24:6 al 8).

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